ORLY-EP0129D - Good Ideas: Self Driving Apocalyptic Automation & You!

ORLY-EP0129D - Good Ideas: Self Driving Apocalyptic Automation and You!

Welcome to ORLYRADIO #129 recorded Friday October 21st, 2016 - where we dismantle the current events for your edutainment through mostly rational conversations that make you go ‘Oh Really’! I’m your host Andy Cowen, with my usual suspects, Fred Sims, Stephen Griffith, and Amber Biesecker

Audience Feedback From Previous Shows:

We make mistakes. Please, if you find one, pause the podcast, and send us a note. orlyradiopodcast@gmail.com or phone it in 470-222-6759

Good Ideas:

  1. Full Self-Driving Hardware on All Teslas (VIDEO) https://www.tesla.com/videos/full-self-driving-hardware-all-tesla-cars

  2. Soap Box - Andy goes on a tirade about futurism.

ORLY-EP0129C - Law & Order: Buggery, Gross Indecency, Loitering With Intent, and Fruit Of The Poison Tree.

ORLY-EP0129C - Law & Order: Buggery, Gross Indecency, Loitering With Intent, and Fruit Of The Poison Tree.

Welcome to ORLYRADIO #129 recorded Friday October 21th, 2016 - where we dismantle the current events for your edutainment through mostly rational conversations that make you go ‘Oh Really’! I’m your host Andy Cowen, with my usual suspects, Fred Sims, Stephen Griffith, and Amber Biesecker

Audience Feedback From Previous Shows:

We make mistakes. Please, if you find one, pause the podcast, and send us a note. orlyradiopodcast@gmail.com or phone it in 470-222-6759

Law & Order:

  1. Thousands of Men to Be Pardoned for Gay Sex, Once a Crime in Britain http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/21/world/europe/britain-will-posthumously-pardon-thousands-of-gay-and-bisexual-men.html?_r=0

  2. Feds Claim They Can Enter a House and Demand Fingerprints to Unlock Everyone's Phones http://gizmodo.com/feds-claim-they-can-enter-a-house-and-demand-fingerprin-1787864265

  1. Supreme Court ruling regarding phones https://www.radford.edu/content/va-chiefs/home/january-2015.html

ORLY-EP0129B - SCIENCE: Bermuda Triangle, Physical Depression, CO2 to Ethanol, and… Polar Nazis.

ORLY-EP0129B - SCIENCE: Bermuda Triangle, Physical Depression, CO2 to Ethanol, and… Polar Nazis.

Welcome to ORLYRADIO #129 recorded Friday October 21th, 2016 - where we dismantle the current events for your edutainment through mostly rational conversations that make you go ‘Oh Really’! I’m your host Andy Cowen, with my usual suspects, Fred Sims, Stephen Griffith, and Amber Biesecker

Audience Feedback From Previous Shows:

We make mistakes. Please, if you find one, pause the podcast, and send us a note. orlyradiopodcast@gmail.com or phone it in 470-222-6759

Science Bitches!  

  1. Scientists believe they now know why the Bermuda Triangle may be responsible for so many lost vessels. http://nypost.com/2016/10/21/the-mystery-of-the-bermuda-triangle-may-finally-be-solved/

  2. Scientists say they've identified the physical source of depression in the brain http://www.sciencealert.com/scientists-say-they-ve-identified-the-physical-source-of-depression-in-the-brain

  3. Researchers accidentally turn carbon dioxide into ethanol https://www.engadget.com/2016/10/18/researchers-accidentally-turn-carbon-dioxide-into-ethanol/

  4. I don’t know if we will have time to talk about it but THERE IS TOTALLY A SECRET NAZI BASE THEY JUST DISCOVERED IN THE ARCTIC YOU GUYS http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/secret-nazi-military-base-russian-scientists-alexandra-land-a7373401.html

ORLY-EP0129A - New Meets Old, 3rd Presidential Debate With A Side Of Domestic Abuse

ORLY-EP0129A - New Meets Old, 3rd Presidential Debate With A Side Of Domestic Abuse

Welcome to ORLYRADIO #129 recorded Friday October 21th, 2016 - where we dismantle the current events for your edutainment through mostly rational conversations that make you go ‘Oh Really’! I’m your host Andy Cowen, with my usual suspects, Fred Sims, Stephen Griffith, and Amber Biesecker

Audience Feedback From Previous Shows:

We make mistakes. Please, if you find one, pause the podcast, and send us a note. orlyradiopodcast@gmail.com or phone it in 470-222-6759

Introductions are in order as we have a new panelist, Amber Biesecker is an author, editor, actress, and activist with a background in game design and criminal investigations. Passionate but rational, she has a reputation for devastatingly thorough research and creative cursing. She drinks and she knows things. And rumor has it she is not to be fed after midnight.

Amber gets to tell us a couple things about herself and why on earth she would want to podcast.

In fact it might be a good idea to round robin and reintroduce ourselves.

And then… a recap of the debate.


Music: "Rocket and Pamgaea” by Kevin MacLeod (www.incompetech.com)