Topic Tuesday #141 2015/03/31 "Sleepy Brain"


Topic Tuesday #141 2015/03/31 "Sleepy Brain"


I lay in bed at night and think, because that is when the brain tries to unravel the mysteries of life; to prevent you from sleeping in some last gasp before surrendering to unconsciousness... I noticed my eldest daughter does the same thing, and have had many late night philosophical conversations on the brink of sleep, so there may be some univeriality to this human habit. I lay there and there are themes to these thoughts. Deep thoughts. Things you don't dare think of during the day, as these thoughts should come with warning labels, like narcotics warn against operating heavy machinery...

What do people think of me?

Am I a good person?

What is good?

Is evil real? 

Have I been good/evil?

Did I hurt _______?

Can I fix _______?

Why did I eat that?

I should have done ______...

What do I want to be when I grow up?

Am I grown up yet?

What is love?

Does _______ love me?

Do I love _______?

What if _________?

Why ___________?

How ___________?

Who am I?


Some of these questions will be answered in time, others will remain shrouded in mystery. One thing is certain, no matter who you are and whatever station you find yourself, you can bet that everyone has been lost on the verge of sleep, pondering the great questions of our age, and wondering if the door is locked and the oven is off.

Doubt is universal. Doubt is the doorstep to understanding. 

Now... Shut up brain... I have dreams to create.
