EpicProgress.com - Damage Report February 8th, 2017

The Random Acts Comapnay
EpicProgress Damage Report Feb 8-2017
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Here is your recap of the ongoing catastrophe and biomedical waste dumpster fire that is the Trump administration.

• Trump’s nominee for Attorney General, Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions, has been confirmed. Sessions opposed civil rights, was against prosecuting lynchings, and is what you might envision an Alabama Senator to be like if you closed your eyes and imagined the worst, most stereotypical Alabama Senator.

• In opposition to naming Jeff “Ominous Banjo Music” Sessions Attorney General, Senator Elizabeth Warren wanted to read a letter from the late wife of Martin Luther King Jr. She was silenced on the floor of the Senate. She was told to keep quiet. Nevertheless, she persisted.

• Trump lashed out at a private company for deciding to drop a product based on a lack of sales. The product in question was profiting his daughter, Ivanka. He decided to use the power of his office to attack the company in the interest of the financial stakes of his daughter.

• Spicey Boy, his press goon, immediately informed us that the private company seeking to drop a product for sale that was marketed as the personal line of Trump’s daughter was, in fact, a direct attack on the President.

• Trump’s nominee for Supreme Court, Gorsuch, finds Trump’s tweets about the judicial branch to be disheartening. We agree with Mr. Gorsuch.

• Sean Spicer, Minister of Truth, makes us aware of a terrorist attack in Atlanta that never occurred and didn’t happen. Three times.

• Thanks to Trump’s Muslim Ban, a Canadian woman is turned away from the U.S. border after questioned regarding her faith. She was not permitted to enter.

• Sean Spicer, Trump’s fourth fetich soul and demigorgon of weaponized deceit, insists that critics of the Trump-ordered raid in Yemen that resulted in the death of a U.S. soldier and an 8-year old American girl should apologize.

• Trump is revealed to communicate entirely in slogans during diplomatic calls with international heads of state. Almost as if he were a baby-handed imbecile incapable of formulating rational thought and then verbalizing it.

• Evangelicals are turning on Trump with an ad buy, as the full breathtaking scope of his refugee ban becomes understood. Evangelicals are a religious sect of Christianity, a religion founded by a refugee who later became an innocent victim of capital punishment.

• Trump jokes about “destroying” a Pennsylvania State Senator.  The Pennsylvania State Senator politely responds with “Come after me, you shit-gibbon!” 

• Trump “is not bound by all the facts” according to Rick Santorum, whose name shares a fate similar to what will shortly occur with Trump’s.

• The Pope condemns Trump’s planned wall. And how he plans to pay for it.

• Meanwhile, President Steve Bannon is working behind the scenes with a virulently anti-gay cardinal to undermine the Pope.

• Melania Trump, who lives in a golden tower at taxpayer expense, has expressed through her legal team her desire to rake in millions in cash as a result of being First Lady.