ORly Radio Show 51 - A Lesson in Political Science

ORLY-EP0051 - A Lesson in Political Science

ORly Radio Show 51 for Friday March 27th, 2015 - A Lesson in Political Science

Hosts: Andy & the Usual Suspects: Mike, David, and Joe!!!
Music: "Rocket and Pamgaea” by Kevin MacLeod (www.incompetech.com)

Science / Technology / Politics

Item: Scientists managed to cut out the HIV virus using a DNS snipping enzyme called CAS9
URLs: http://guff.com/glt-scientists-delete-hiv/20
Item: Why Are So Many People Nearsighted?
URLs: http://www.popsci.com/why-are-so-many-people-nearsighted

Humanities / Religion/ Politics

Item: Not even Tatooine is off limits to Islamic State
URLs: http://www.dailydot.com/politics/star-wars-tatooine-isis-tunisia/
Item: Growing Numbers Seek Faith Based alternatives to the Affordable Care Act. What is that about?
URLs: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/03/18/growing-numbers-seek-faith-based-alternative-to-obamacare/

Politics / Humanities / Politics

Item: Drive from London, England to New York, New York by way of… Moscow, Russia and Nome, Alaska?  
URLs: http://www.cnn.com/2015/03/24/travel/trans-siberian-road/index.html
Item: Oregon will be the first state to automatically register voters
URLs: http://www.vox.com/2015/3/17/8231387/oregon-voter-registration-automatic

Potpourri / Politics / Flotsam & Jetsam

Item: Super Troopers 2, it’s going to be a thing, and it’s crowdsourced.
URLs: http://uproxx.com/filmdrunk/2015/03/super-troopers-2-has-met-its-crowdfunding-goal-in-one-day/
Item: Ted Cruz compares himself to Galileo much to the chagrin of his history teachers, who likely failed him.
URLs: http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/USA-Update/2015/0327/Ted-Cruz-compares-himself-to-Galileo-new-language-for-climate-change-skeptics

Oh, Florida...

Item: Enterprising pilot draws 20-mile penis over Florida on Flightradar
URLs: http://www.sbnation.com/lookit/2015/3/13/8207583/pilot-draws-giant-penis-flight-radar-florida
Item: Florida man let’s girlfriend drive patrol car to hooters causing questions about validity of maximum IQ for police.
URLs: http://www.news4jax.com/news/jso-officer-let-woman-drive-patrol-car-hooters/31935882
URLs: http://thefreethoughtproject.com/court-police-departments-refuse-hire-smart/


Andy’s: Winbook TW700 Tablet - Windows 8.1 with full-size USB port, IPS Display, and one year of FREE Microsoft Office 365 http://ow.ly/KUgRU
David’s: Freedom From Religion Foundation. Let’s face it, it’s the guys thumping bibles who are being total dicks these day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7INIhD9P0Pw 800-335-4021 www.ffrf.org

Mike’s: www.stanleyparable.com http://store.steampowered.com/app/221910/

ORly Radio Show 50 - Budget Smacktacular

ORLY-EP0050 - Budget Smackdown

ORly Radio Show 50 for Friday March 20th, 2015 - Budget Smacktacular

Hosts: Andy & the Usual Suspects:Don!!!
Music: "Rocket and Pamgaea” by Kevin MacLeod (www.incompetech.com)

Errata From Last Week: Mike and Jess are now wedded! I didn’t even cough on them once during the ceremony. WIN!

Top Story: The GOP Budget. What have they wrought on the nation?

(Reuters) http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/03/17/us-usa-budget-republicans-idUSKBN0MD1KU20150317  - U.S. House Republicans on Tuesday proposed higher defense spending and deep cuts to social services including healthcare for the poor in an aggressive new budget plan that seeks to eliminate deficits by 2024. The blueprint from House Budget Committee Chairman Tom Price, which has almost no chance of becoming law, prescribes $5.468 trillion in spending cuts and interest savings over 10 years compared to current policies. The document assumes $2 trillion in 10-year savings from full repeal of the Affordable Care Act, the signature healthcare reform law that President Barack Obama has vowed to defend.
Price's plan would cut $913 billion in Medicaid spending by shifting it to a grant program to allow states to tailor the healthcare program for the poor. It would devolve other programs to states through grants, including food stamps and transportation funding. Pell grants for college tuition would also shrink.
Price's plan could struggle to gain the support of deeply divided House Republicans. It seeks to skirt "sequester" spending caps, nominally keeping them in place to please deficit hawks while boosting military spending by adding nearly $40 billion to an off-budget war funding account.
Like previous Republican budgets, Price's plan contains no tax increases. It assumes Congress will enact revenue-neutral reforms to the tax code to reduce rates while ending many tax breaks. But it leaves the details for later.

Price said tax reform and other proposals, including a roll-back of financial regulations enacted in 2010, would unleash stronger economic growth that will help slash deficits by more than $1 trillion through 2025.
While these growth assumptions are baked into Price's budget numbers, they have not been confirmed by the Congressional Budget Office.
(Reporting by David Lawder, Roberta Rampton; Editing by Kevin Drawbaugh, Susan Heavey and Tom Brown)

"I was pretty impressed with the creativity here -- I won't call it political gymnastics, but it certainly could be called parliamentary contortionism," said Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.), who considers himself both a defense and deficit hawk, and is likely to back the budget. 

Bernie Sanders Weighs in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gB1efQXFThk

Science / Technology / Politics

Item: New Alzheimer’s treatment fully restores memory function
URLs: http://www.sciencealert.com/new-alzheimer-s-treatment-fully-restores-memory-function
Item: Researchers may have solved origin-of-life conundrum

Common origins of RNA, protein and lipid precursors in a cyanosulfidic protometabolism

Humanities / Religion/ Politics

Item: San Francisco Saint Mary’s Cathedral Drenches Homeless With Water To Keep Them Away
URLs: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2015/03/san-francisco-catholic-church-installs-watering-system-to-drench-homeless-people-as-they-sleep/ http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2015/03/18/homeless-saint-marys-cathedral-archdiocese-san-francisco-intentionally-drenched-water-sleeping/
Item: Utah passed historic legislation against sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination
URLs: http://www.jdsupra.com/legalnews/utah-passes-historic-legislation-against-19434/

Politics / Humanities / Politics

Item: Obama orders federal agencies to cut carbon emissions 40% within 10 years
URLs: http://www.vox.com/2015/3/19/8257249/obama-federal-greenhouse-cuts
Item: Oklahoma House passes bill restricting marriage to people of faith
URLs: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/progressivesecularhumanist/2015/03/oklahoma-house-passes-bill-restricting-marriage-to-people-of-faith/

Potpourri / Politics / Flotsam & Jetsam

Item: Someone On a British Airways Plane Took a Shit So Bad That It Had to Turn Around and Come Back Again
URLs: http://www.vice.com/en_ca/read/someone-did-a-shit-so-bad-a-british-airways-flight-had-to-turn-around-and-land-475


Andy’s: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/artana/tesla-vs-edison
Don’s: Raspberry Pi 2

ORly Radio Show 49 - A Play On Nerds

ORLY-EP0049 - A Play On Nerds

ORly Radio Show 49 for Wednesday March 11h, 2015 - A Play On Nerds

Hosts: Andy & the Usual Suspects: Mike, David, and Jessica !!!
Music: "Rocket & Pamgaea” by Kevin MacLeod (www.incompetech.com)

Special Guests: Jarman Day-Bohn and Steve Bauman from A Play On Nerds Podcast

We’ll talk about the origin of their show and the evolution of their hilarious segments over 35 episodes. Then we will get them to step into our world of outrage politics.

Muppets, Copycat Cinema, Trivia, Brooklyn Band or Smut Search, Movie Trailer Reviews (Patent Pending all Rights Reserved), What’s the Deal with Star Trek?

Science / Technology / Politics

Item: VOX: 7 Scary Facts About Antibiotic Resistant “Superbugs” - We could be doomed and that’s not hyperbole.
Item: Google wants to rank websites based on facts not links
URLs: http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg22530102.600-google-wants-to-rank-websites-based-on-facts-not-links.html

Humanities / Religion/ Politics

Item: NY elementary school bans homework, tells students to spend time on other pursuits
Item: Isis: Muslim preacher calls for demolition of pyramids and the Sphinx of Giza
URLs: http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/isis-muslim-preacher-calls-demolition-pyramids-sphinx-giza-1491363

Politics / Humanities / Politics

Item: Conservatives Now Say They Hate Spock After Obama Praises Character
Item: 47 of 54 US Senators play a dangerous game of chicken with Iran and the POTUS with a condescending letter and tweets to the Iranian leadership.
McCain's breathtaking defense of signing the Iran letter: "I sign lots of letters"
URLs: http://www.vox.com/2015/3/10/8182063/tom-cottons-controversial-letter-to-iran-explained
Just being Cheeky?

Potpourri / Politics / Flotsam & Jetsam

Item: Play Cards Against Humanity Online With Anyone For Free
Item: Georgia trash man gets 30 days in jail for 5 a.m. pick up
URLs: http://news.yahoo.com/let-sleep-georgia-trash-man-gets-30-days-213758415.html

Oh, Florida...

Item: Florida, officials ban term 'climate change' - “Deputy General Counsel Larry Morgan was giving us a briefing on what to expect with the new secretary,” Byrd recalled. Morgan gave them “a warning to beware of the words global warming, climate change and sea-level rise, and advised us not to use those words in particular.” In a February press conference, Scott unveiled $106 million in his proposed budget to deal with the effects of rising oceans. But $50 million of that is for a sewage plant in the Keys, and $25 million is for beach restoration, which critics say is hardly a comprehensive plan to protect homes, roads and infrastructure.|
URLs: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/state/florida/article12983720.html

: An apartment complex near Disney has voided its renter lease agreement that called for tenants to pay $10,000 fines for posting negative reviews on social media.
URLs: http://www.orlandosentinel.com/business/os-apartment-reviews-negative-20150310-story.html


Andy’s: Kickstarter: Rubber Band Machine Gun! It Arrived. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/11447722/rubber-band-machine-gun-0 
: Sid Meier’s Starships http://store.steampowered.com/app/282210/

: #HeForShe / heforshe.org / Emma Watson is a goddess

Jarman: Audio Book: Storm on the Horizon: The Zone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glitzy Gamers Twitch Channel - A Play On Nerds - Skill Focus: Burlesque

ORly Radio Show 47 - RIP Leonard Nimoy

ORLY-EP0047 - RIP Leonard Nimoy

ORly Radio Show 47 for Friday February 27th, 2015 - RIP Leonard Nimoy

Hosts: Andy & the Usual Suspects: Mike, David, and Jess!!!
Music: "Rocket and Pamgaea” by Kevin MacLeod (www.incompetech.com)


Science / Technology / Politics

Item: Scientists Discover Brightest Quasar Ever Powered by Black Hole, Dating to Dawn of Time
URLs: http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/scientists-discover-brightest-quasar-powered-black-hole-dating/story?id=29242737
URLs:  http://gizmodo.com/astronomers-discover-mysterious-black-hole-as-massive-a-1688077087
Item: Two-Father Babies Could Soon Be Possible, With No Egg Donor Required
URLs: http://www.iflscience.com/health-and-medicine/two-father-babies-could-soon-be-possible-no-egg-donor-required

Item: Scientists use tissue engineering to grow leg muscle|
URLs: http://www.embo.org/news/research-news/research-news-2015/scientists-use-tissue-engineering-to-grow-leg-muscle

Humanities / Religion/ Politics

Item: ISIL Destroys priceless history because they are dicks and raging assholes.
URLs: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2970270/Islamic-State-fighters-destroy-antiquities-Iraq-video.html
Item: When even the soulless corporate behemoth Wal-Mart disagrees with the state on human rights, you may be a member of the religious right.
URLs: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/02/25/walmart-lgbt-discrimination-proposal_n_6751626.html

Politics / Humanities / Politics

Item: Net Neutrality WIN
URLs: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2015/02/fcc-votes-net-neutrality-big-win
Cute Video Reminder of What Net Neutrality is all about. http://vihart.com/net-neutrality-in-the-us-now-what/
Item: Jon Stewart takes the gloves off. Really, he did.
URLs: http://www.forwardprogressives.com/jon-stewart-destroys-fox-news-exposes-50-lies-6-seconds-video/

The Vine he created. https://vine.co/v/O2qFXmwW9uz
Item: Congress OKs 1-week bill to keep Homeland Security open
URLs: http://news.yahoo.com/republicans-prepare-pass-homeland-security-funding-080933043--politics.html

Potpourri / Politics / Flotsam & Jetsam

Item: That damn dress…. Yes it was an optical illusion and was actually Blue and Black. YAY Cognitive Neuroscience!
Item: The largest airplane in history, a 385-foot (117-meter) wingspan beast designed to carry and launch a giant rocket to space, with a combined weight of 1,200,000 pounds (540,000 kg)!
URLs: http://sploid.gizmodo.com/first-photos-of-the-largest-airplane-ever-now-in-manufa-1688085252

Oh, Florida...

Item: Florida mom accused of sending beaten daughter to school in shaming shirt
URLs: http://www.orlandosentinel.com/features/gone-viral/os-florida-woman-beats-girl-humiliating-shirt-20150224-post.html
Item: Man tries to steal plane at Ocala International Airport.
URLs: http://www.wesh.com/news/pd-man-tries-to-steal-plane-at-ocala-international-airport/31497410


Andy’s: MotoX version 2 and www.RepublicWireless.com  
David’s: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/ Star Citizen!

Mike’s: Red Mars Novel by Kim Stanley Robinson
Jess’s: http://www.startalkradio.net/