ORLY-EP0130B - SCIENCE: Entropy? Breaking the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, Gluten Free Extra Virgin Crude Oil

ORLY-EP0130B - SCIENCE: Entropy? Breaking the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, Gluten Free Extra Virgin Crude Oil

Welcome to ORLYRADIO #130 recorded Friday October 28th, 2016 - where we dismantle the current events for your edutainment through mostly rational conversations that make you go ‘Oh Really’! I’m your host Andy Cowen, with my usual suspects,David O’Connor and Stephen Griffith

Audience Feedback From Previous Shows:

We make mistakes. Please, if you find one, pause the podcast, and send us a note. orlyradiopodcast@gmail.com or phone it in 470-222-6759

Science Bitches!  

  1. WTF Is entropy? In layman's terms, Entropy is the randomness in a system. In computer science randomness is desireable, in physics randomness is unusable, in the grand scheme of life the universe and everything entropy is what the universe is headed for; where all coherent systems decay to randomness or lose their energy. So, for our next topic, Entropy is a high energy state that naturally wants to seek a lower energy state because that is easier to maintain. Like water seeking it’s own level, but at the atomic scale.

  2. Maxwell's Demon may exist in the quantum realm (HARD Science)  The second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy of an isolated system always increases over time, or remains constant in ideal cases where the system is in a steady state or undergoing a reversible process. The increase in entropy accounts for the irreversibility of natural processes, and the asymmetry between future and past. http://futurism.com/there-may-be-a-loophole-in-the-second-law-of-thermodynamics/

  3. Google’s futurist, Ray Kurzweil, says living forever starting at 2029 http://trueviralnews.com/googles-leading-futurist-predicts-humans-will-start-living-forever-by-2029/

  4. https://www.engadget.com/2016/10/28/google-ai-created-its-own-form-of-encryption/

ORly Radio Show 91 - #yallqaeda

ORly Radio Show 91 - #yallqaeda

Welcome to ORly Radio Show 91 for Friday January 8th, 2016 - where we dismantle the current events for your edutainment through mostly rational conversations that make you go ‘Oh Really’! I’m your host Andy Cowen with Michael Robinson and David O’Connor.

Errata From Previous Shows: We make mistakes. Please, if you find one, pause the podcast, and send us a note. orlyradiopodcast@gmail.com or phone it in 470-222-6759

Into the wayback machine: Back in March on Show 49, with A Play On Nerds, we discussed the weird interplay with letters to Iran and how the GOP was playing a dangerous game of chicken with the State Department. Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton penned an open letter to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. http://www.vox.com/2015/3/10/8182063/tom-cottons-controversial-letter-to-iran-explained  This week that information resurfaced with a little more analysis that included a breakdown of the roughly million dollars of campaign contributions he received during the week of the kerfuffle. We’re not saying he’s been bought by the interests of a foreign power (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu), we’re just saying that freedom of speech in the form of campaign contributions is out of hand…

As a followup, http://www.bipartisanreport.com/2016/01/03/shocker-republicans-quiet-after-obama-got-iran-to-surrender-its-entire-nuclear-stockpile/

-BREAK- Voicemail

RANT Segments & Headlines:

  1. On this Day in History:

    1. 1790George Washington delivers the first State of the Union address in New York City.

    2. 1973 – Watergate scandal: The trial of seven men accused of illegal entry into Democratic Party headquarters at Watergate begins.

    3. 1982Breakup of the Bell System: AT&T agrees to divest itself of twenty-two subdivisions.

    4. 2002 – President George W. Bush signs into law the No Child Left Behind Act.

  2. Happy Birthday to Stephen Hawking who is 74 today. One of my favorite quotes “We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special.”

  3. And A Happy Birthday to Kim Jong Un! whom has reached early thirtysomething: And what do you get the dictator that has everything? The Hydrogen Bomb. http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/01/06/qa-why-is-north-koreas-hydrogen-bomb-test-such-a-big-deal/

  4. First Public Address By Paul Ryan, marks the 62nd time the GOP has attempted to repeal Obamacare. Also the 62nd time they have had nothing to replace it with and failed.  (Autoplay video) http://www.cnn.com/2016/01/08/politics/obama-vetoes-obamacare-repeal-bill/index.html

  5. http://www.theverge.com/2016/1/8/10737264/spacex-falcon-9-rocket-water-landing-announced

  6. http://www.rawstory.com/2016/01/father-of-bristols-newborn-daughter-sues-for-child-support-so-sarah-palin-goes-bonkers/

  7. http://winningdemocrats.com/trump-tells-crowd-to-steal-coats-from-protesters-before-throwing-them-out-in-the-cold-video/

  8. Israeli TV reporter stabbed demonstrating 'knife-proof' vest http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-35249191

  9. https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20160105/08100533246/with-fixed-costs-fat-margins-comcasts-broadband-cap-justifications-are-total-bullshit.shtml

  10. http://www.cnn.com/2016/01/07/health/google-cardboard-baby-saved/index.html

  11. http://qz.com/581024/nasa-tested-a-3d-printed-rocket-engine-and-it-worked/

  12. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/gisela-mota_56891ea9e4b0b958f65be3b8


The Good:

  1. http://www.rawstory.com/2016/01/ted-cruz-produces-mothers-birth-certificate-after-both-parents-found-on-canadian-voter-list/

  2. The President’s Gun Control Executive Action. And his tearful address. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-35236630  (Video)

The executive actions include:

  • Background checks for all gun sellers, overturning current exemptions to some online and gun show sellers

  • States providing information on people disqualified from buying guns due to mental illness or domestic violence

  • Increased workforce for the FBI to process background checks, hiring more than 230 new examiners

  • Congress being asked to invest $500m (£339m) to improve access to mental healthcare in the US

  • The departments of defense, justice and homeland security exploring "smart gun technology" to improve gun safety

  1. The GOP Freaks out, and of course gun sales skyrocket because people don’t know what words mean.  http://www.mediaite.com/tv/i-would-check-that-podium-for-a-raw-onion-tantaros-criticizes-obamas-tearful-address/


https://youtu.be/2ips2mM7Zqw Bang Bang Bang by Big Bang.

-BREAK- Fallacy https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/genetic

The Bad:

  1. http://www.buzzfeed.com/chrisgeidner/texas-governor-proposes-nine-constitutional-amendments#.omd7AjbALz

  2. http://www.mediaite.com/online/breaking-saudi-arabia-cuts-diplomatic-ties-with-iran-following-attack-on-embassy/

The Ugly:

  1. Let’s talk about #yallqaeda Burns, Oregon.

  2. http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2016/01/03/militia_occupies_malheur_national_wildlife_refuge_in_oregon.html

  3. http://www.rawstory.com/2016/01/i-didnt-come-here-to-shoot-i-came-here-to-die-oregon-militia-occupiers-fess-up-to-local-reporters/

  4. http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/01/04/461950205/gunmen-hold-federal-building-in-oregon-as-convicted-ranchers-seek-pardon

  5. http://i100.independent.co.uk/article/oregon-terrorists-dont-plan-siege-very-well-put-out-plea-for-snacks-and-supplies--ZJglh9sRjx

  6. http://audubonportland.org/news/audubon-society-of-portland-statement-on-the-occupation-of-malheur-national-wildlife-refuge

  7. http://abcnews.go.com/US/fbi-monitoring-situation-oregon-national-wildlife-refuge/story?id=36075007 (Auto Play Video)

  8. https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2012/08/21/ruby-ridge-carved-niche-history


Andy’s: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/inflatable-sleep-hoodie-hypnos_568a74c5e4b06fa68882c43f

David’s: Deadpool movie!

Michael’s Clive Barker’s Mister B. Gone, Horchata, Fallout 4, Pusheen Plushie!


Music: "Rocket and Pamgaea” by Kevin MacLeod (www.incompetech.com)

PSA: Guerrilla Skepticism on Wikipedia - GSoW https://www.facebook.com/GSoWproject

ORly Radio Show 87 - The Best Thing Since Sliced Chocolate!

ORly Radio Show 87 - The Best Thing Since Sliced Chocolate!

Welcome to ORly Radio Show 87 for Friday December 11th, 2015 - where we dismantle the current events for your edutainment through mostly rational conversations that make you go ‘Oh Really’! I’m your host Andy Cowen with my usual suspect David O'Connor and guest Fred Sims!

The Show is sponsored by hogswallow.wicked-clever.com

Errata: We make mistakes. Please, if you find one, pause the podcast, and send us a note. orlyradiopodcast@gmail.com or phone it in 470-222-6759

Last week I thought that Tammy Faye Bakker was in the video with Jim Bakker, I was wrong, she is dead. Whoops. I guess Jim has a type… thanks to Andrew Duncan of the Kentucky Fried Freethought podcast for that catch.

RANT Segments & Headlines:


  1. Jimmy Carter’s Cancer has gone into remission and he will live to build many more houses for the poor. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/jimmy-carter-cancer-gone_56645d5fe4b08e945fefd786

  2. We do not live in a hologram, at least there is no evidence that suggests we do. http://gizmodo.com/fermilab-experiment-finds-no-evidence-that-we-live-in-a-1746130140

  3. http://www.rawstory.com/2015/12/woman-stabbed-at-florida-gallery-as-bystanders-stood-by-thinking-it-was-performance-art/

  4. http://onlineathens.com/national-news/2015-12-09/florida-burglary-suspect-eaten-alligator-after-fleeing-police

  5. Pharma-bro says he would have actually raised the price of Daraprim even higher, had the internet and congress not tried to eviscerate him over the mater. He also bought the super rare one of a kind $2,000,000 Wu-tang album that can’t be shared for 88 years! http://arstechnica.co.uk/science/2015/12/turings-martin-shkreli-regrets-5000-price-hike-says-it-wasnt-high-enough/ http://www.bloomberg.com/features/2015-martin-shkreli-wu-tang-clan-album/

  6. Ben Carson is threatening to leave the GOP following a report that senior Republican officials met to discuss the party’s strategy in the event of a brokered convention. http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/262916-carson-brokered-convention-would-destroy-gop

  7. Sanders Files First Senate Bill In History To Legalize (recreational) Marijuana http://www.occupydemocrats.com/historic-sanders-files-first-senate-bill-in-history-to-legalize-marijuana/

  8. Quantum computer by Google and NASA is more than 100 million times faster than a regular computer chip https://richarddawkins.net/2015/12/quantum-computer-by-google-and-nasa-is-more-than-100-million-times-faster-than-a-regular-computer-chip/

  9. http://thefederalist.com/2015/12/08/how-the-left-created-donald-trump/

  10. Your logical Fallacy is: https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/tu-quoque

  11. http://www.globalconstructionreview.com/trends/china-build-higgs-factory-twice-size-c8e8r8ns/

  12. http://www.ipp.mpg.de/3984226/12_15

  13. http://nerdist.com/japan-is-selling-sliced-chocolate/


Andy’s: Red Shirts - John Scalzi http://amzn.to/1NxW4vM

David’s: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2A002Em8Yw CONDOM ICE CREAM.

Fred’s:  Gillian Flynn (Sharp Objects, Dark Places, Gone Girl) Http://www.amazon.com/Gillian-Flynn/e/B001JP3W46  & STAR WARS!

ORly Radio Show 73 - Google Alphabet, Ice Bucket Challenge, Flamethrowers, & Rape Babies.

ORly Radio Show 73 - Google Alphabet, Ice Bucket Challenge, Flamethrowers, & Rape Babies.

Welcome to ORly Radio Show 73 for Friday August 14th, 2015 - where we dismantle the current events for your edutainment through mostly rational conversations that make you go ‘Oh Really’! I’m your host Andy Cowen with my usual suspects, Michael Robinson!

Errata From Last Week: We make mistakes. Please, if you find one, pause the podcast, and send us a note. orlyradiopodcast@gmail.com or phone it in 470-222-6759  

Trump, even though he was misogynistic, unapologetic and combative to the other GOP hopefuls, continues to strike a disturbing chord among the voters and had a surge in the polls after the debates. I'm disappointed in you America. You should feel bad.

RANT Segments & Headlines:


The Good:

  1. You remember the ALS Ice Bucket challenge, don’t you? it was a crazy social media campaign to bring awareness and fundraising for medical research into amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or, as it’s more commonly known, Lou Gherig’s Disease.  In a paper recently published by a team from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, researchers believe they have made a significant leap forward in understanding one of the major mysteries of ALS (in brief, the team has identified the role of the TDP-43 protein, and how it manifests in both healthy and diseased cells.) In and of itself, the research is too technical to have likely made waves outside the medical research field. However, as Johns Hopkins graduate student and paper co-author Jonathan Ling explained in a recent Reddit AMA, this breakthrough can be directly traced back to the outpouring of interest, and money, from the ice bucket challenge… ...Much of the money raised by the ice bucket challenge is only now beginning to be felt in the research community, as the ALS Association has spent a large part of the past year working to properly allocate the $100 million that they received during the past summer (as compared to the $3 million that they received in the summer prior.)  http://magazine.good.is/articles/als-ice-bucket-challenge-results

-BREAK- Fallacy https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/genetic

The Bad:

  1. Flamethrowers, given up by military, are now being sold to the public by a Cleveland startup called Throwflame for about $1,600 The flamethrowers are marketed not as weapons, but as fun devices. "We always have the people who just want it for fun. Impress the neighbors at the BBQ," said Throwflame founder Quinn Whitehead. http://money.cnn.com/2015/08/13/smallbusiness/flamethrowers-public-sale/index.html

  2. In related news, The number of registered silencers surged 38% from last year to 792,282 in February 2015, according to the most recent figures from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. There were 571,750 licenses in March 2014.  "It's getting to be more mainstream," said Josh Waldron, CEO of SilencerCo, which makes and sells silencers. http://money.cnn.com/2015/07/30/news/companies/gun-silencer-sales-up/index.html

  3. And in the wayback machine, February 18, 2013: Fargo, ND – Local resident Todd Fox has been detained for “reckless endangerment” and “illegal use of high-powered fire-breathing weaponry” for attacking snow with his flamethrower. Fox reportedly became so fed up with the week-long blowing snow epidemic in his area that he decided to KILL IT WITH FIRE. http://neighborshame.com/fargo-man-arrested-clearing-snow-flamethrower/

-BREAK- Voicemail

The Ugly:

  1. Denied Abortion, 11-year-old Rape Victim Gives Birth - Three other girls, all aged 12, are due to give birth in coming weeks. http://www.alternet.org/news-amp-politics/denied-abortion-11-year-old-rape-victim-gives-birth

: OneNote for all platforms http://www.onenote.com/
Michael’s: Fallout Shelter https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bethsoft.falloutshelter&hl=en

Music: "Rocket and Pamgaea” by Kevin MacLeod (www.incompetech.com)
PSA: Guerrilla Skepticism on Wikipedia - GSoW https://www.facebook.com/GSoWproject