Topic Tuesday #175 2015/12/01 "Whoops, Missed one."

Topic Tuesday #175 2015/12/01 "Whoops, Missed one."

Hey readers! If you were paying attention, you did better than me, I missed posting on the 24th, for the first time since this little project began. Well, we are all human, even me. In my defense, I was just back from a vacation and had my hands full. It wasn't until Friday that I realized I forgot! Oh well! Nothing to do but keep rolling.

So what's up? Three big ones  that I can think of. Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday, 

I met new people, experienced new dishes and ate a lot. I avoided Black Friday in favor of Thanksgiving part 2 with family. I shop online all the time, but there was a good deal that I had to take advantage of on  I am going to give my girls bunk beds, but not normal bunk beds, these have a futon bed/couch on the bottom. 

DHP Twin-Over-Futon Metal Bunk Bed

DHP Twin-Over-Futon Metal Bunk Bed

This will give them some flexibility. It may give me flexibility too, as who knows what tomorrow will bring. This will certainly enhance the guest space!  They will arrive on the 10th, so I will give a little review before Christmas. This isn't exactly a stocking stuffer, but they seem excited about it! It's not easy making everyone happy, but I'm willing to try.

So what have you been up to?

Topic Tuesday #160 2015/08/11 "First Day Of School"

Topic Tuesday #160 2015/08/11 "First Day Of School"

It is that time again. Back to school. My oldest will be going into second grade tomorrow and her little sister will be going in Thursday for an evaluation and starts kindergarten next Monday. I have spent the last several hours gathering and labeling and sorting school supplies for each of them. It was a lot of stuff! I'll have to drop some of it off with the teachers personally so they don't have to lug reams of paper and other sundry goods. See, the school board, no matter what school you are a part of, doesn't buy enough supplies for the teachers. Invariably they will be forced to dip into their own pockets to provide for the children. This is terrible and we should feel ashamed that we don't treat our teachers better. They are crucial to the kind of people we grow up to be. They empower us with knowledge. They love us. In return we don't pay them enough and treat them like they are glorified babysitters that ask the children to do too much homework and ask the parents to subsidize the education by sending in supplied for the whole class! Whoop ti do... 

Parents, Get over it and support your teachers. If you are strapped for cash and barely have enough to keep the youngster with a roof over their head, swallow your pride and tell the teacher what your situation is. It will help them understand the child and better respond to what is needed, and they will understand if you simply can't help more. Communication is key. 

Teachers, send home those progress notes. Let us know how they are doing and what you need from us to help. Email us, call us, whatever you have time for. There are parents that care about how things are going and want to know. You will never know if you don't reach out. It could mean a lot. 

Enough of all this, I have to pack some tissue for when I send my babies back to school.  

Topic Tuesday #140 2015/03/24 "Mid Week Birthdays Suck"

Topic Tuesday #140 2015/03/24 "Mid Week Birthdays Suck"

Today is my daughter's birthday. She is five. Given that it is a Tuesday she will not get her real party until the weekend hits. This has led me back to my conclusion that midweek birthdays always kinda suck. I made sure to get her cupcakes so she could celebrate with her friends at daycare, so I imagine she had a good day, but it wasn't markedly different from her normal day to day routine. I'm not sure if there is more I can do for my kids during the weeks when their birthdays hit, as we always do something on the weekend before or after depending solely on convenience. This is something that everyone struggles with and most adults are perfectly desensitised to, read as numb and apathetic.  I am only concerned because I live vicariously through my children and want the best for them. 

What are we to do to make these days better? 

  • Take a day off and run a muck?
  • Ignore it?
  • Half ass it?
  • Just delay and delay?
  • Stagger presents? A little now a little later?
  • Celebrate the whole damn week?

Depending on how life works for you and yours, you are familiar with all these options and perhaps more that I am overlooking. As for this household with a bright eyed eager five year old, a little now, a little later, staggered until the weekend, and I'll likely be a big softy all week if she does anything wrong. What more can a doting father do? 

Happy Birthday, Honey!