EpicProgress.com - Damage Report February 9th, 2017

The Random Acts Comapnay
EpicProgress Damage Report Feb 9-2017
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Happy Nazis, Trickledown 2.0 (The Moistening), wall costs, unbelievable White House product sponsorship opportunities, and which minority is next on the hit list? All this and more in today’s Daily Trump Damage Report for Thursday, February 9th, 2017.

• Trump feels strongly that the state should be able to take all of your property without having a criminal conviction. At a meeting with Sheriffs, the orange menace espoused a penchant for making civil forfeiture easier, while simultaneously indicating that he doesn’t understand what it is.

• White Nationalists are extremely invigorated and excited by the successful nomination of Jeff “Klampet Keebler” Sessions. White power online news sites and prominent KKK Grand Wizard and former Republican candidate David Duke hailed Sessions becoming the nation’s new Attorney General as a great step forward, in hopes that the Justice Department will begin targeting “thugs and illegals” – not-so-dog-whistle dog whistles.

• Trump hypes a “phenomenal” tax package coming in a few weeks, offering no details. We do not need the details to know that it will offer a gargantuan tax cut to the richest 100 families in America, a sizable tax cut to the upper 3%, a rounding error of a tax cut to anyone making less than $200k a year, and lastly is formulated to bankrupt and default the United States government within 4 years.

• Trump’s border wall is now expected to cost $21.6 billion in non-alternative fact dollars, and take 3.5 years to build. For the same cost, America could purchase a measles vaccine for every child on the planet, buy two USS Ford aircraft carriers, purchase the planet’s music industry, buy Iceland with enough money left to plop 7 Burj Kalifa skyscrapers on it. Net migration from Mexico was 0 for the past several years.

• Inspiration for Disturbed’s rendition of the Sound of Silence and current White House adviser Steve Bannon would like you to very much know he is super-duper friends with Reince Priebus and would never, ever stab him in the back to save himself from the ire of Trump.

• Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Gorsuch’s anti-Trump comments may help him succeed in making it to the bench, which call into question whether or not this was the whole point of the comments.

• John McCain schools Trump’s perpetually humiliated press deceiver, Sean Spicer.

• The chief information security officer at the White House has been removed, and we are not sure if he was fired or resigned. No comment has been issued as to whether or not a replacement has taken over. Trump and staff continue to use unsecured email servers and unsecured smartphones proving that he is significantly dumber and more careless than he ever accused Hillary Clinton of being.

• CNN’s host Chris Cuomo says that being called “fake news” is the journalist equivalent of the “n” word. It isn’t. He apologizes later. Trump and surrogates will use the mistake to raise the blood pressure of the authoritarians who empowered them.

• Why is the White House Press Corps not asking about Trump being owned by Russia, or the corruption surrounding their intelligence agencies activities on Trump’s behalf?

• In Trump’s’ call with Vladimir Putin, he did not know what the START nuclear deployment treaty was. Told, he said he did not like it. He then said he was like, popular, and stuff.

• A federal appeals court bodyslammed Trump’s Muslim ban, and reminded the White House counsel that they do not have power to interpret law or executive orders.

• Fourth broken seal of the actual apocalypse and singular incarnation of the abstract concept of falsehood, Kellyanne Conway breaks a pile of ethics rules by telling people to “go buy Ivanka’s stuff!”, using the office of the President to hawk the shoddy Chinese-made merchandise of the spoiled orange oligarch’s daughter.

• Chuck Cooper withdraws from consideration for Trump’s next solicitor general, leaving the door open for the nomination of Kellyanne Conway’s husband, George Conway. The solicitor general is responsible for arguing the US government’s case before the Supreme Court. Conway has only ever argued once before the Supreme Court. George, a monster befitting the spouse of Kellyanne, represented murder-product producer tobacco giant Philip Morris.

• First they came for the Muslims.  Next, they came for the Mexicans, and Trump is now preparing a vicious deportation executive order.

• Trump signs three new sweeping executive orders on law enforcement. In it, he directs Sessions to figure out how to maximize punishments for non-violent drug offenders and use actions he seems necessary to guard against cartels which “are destroying the blood of our youth and other people.”

• An insider continues to reveal the secretive goings on inside the Trump White House, demonstrating that Trump likes his administration the way he likes his women – funded by Russian intelligence and prone to leaking.