ORLY-EP0116B - Getting Control: Abortion, Birth, Guns, Flesh Eating Algea, & More

ORLY-EP0116B - Getting Control: Abortion, Birth, Guns, Flesh Eating Algea, & More
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ORLY-EP0116B - Getting Control:  Abortion, Birth, Guns, Flesh Eating Algea, & More

Welcome back to ORLYRADIO #116b recorded Friday July 1st, 2016 - where we dismantle the current events for your edutainment through mostly rational conversations that make you go ‘Oh Really’! I’m your host Andy Cowen with usual suspect Daniel Atherton.

Law & Order:

  1. The Texas Supreme Court has sided with a family accused of not teaching its children anything while waiting “to be raptured.” Laura and Michael McIntyre began homeschooling their nine children inside the family’s El Paso motorcycle dealership more than a decade ago. The couple argued that school district officials violated their 14th Amendment rights by attempting to verify that their children were learning. The case then headed to the state’s Supreme Court, where the justices made a 6-3 ruling on technical grounds in favor of the McIntyres. But it didn’t answer larger constitutional questions about whether home-schooled children must be properly taught. Justices remanded the case to lower courts, saying its constitutional questions weren’t educational policy matters. But they didn’t issue an opinion on the overall constitutionality. http://kfor.com/2016/06/24/supreme-court-sides-with-family-accused-of-not-teaching-kids-while-waiting-to-be-raptured/

  2. Supreme Court refuses to hear another case on contraceptives: The Supreme Court disposed of a case testing religious objections to contraception in May. On Tuesday, the justices refused to hear another one.
    The justices said they will not review a Washington state rule requiring pharmacies to fill prescriptions regardless of religious objections, while allowing exemptions for other reasons such as a patient's safety or ability to pay.
    Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas dissented from the refusal to hear the case. "If this is a sign of how religious liberty claims will be treated in the years ahead, those who value religious freedom have cause for great concern," Alito wrote. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2016/06/28/supreme-court-religion-contraception-abortion-pharmacies/85055602/

  3. In a 5-3 decision Monday, the Supreme Court struck down two abortion restrictions in a Texas law, known as HB 2, that would have shut down dozens of clinics across the state. It mandated that abortions take place in ambulatory surgical centers, or mini hospitals, instead of regular clinics.

-BREAK- Voicemail

Good Ideas:

  1. http://www.orlandoweekly.com/Blogs/archives/2016/06/30/family-of-pulse-victim-plans-to-sue-gunmakers-sig-sauer-and-glock

  2. http://www.orlandoweekly.com/Blogs/archives/2016/06/29/petition-for-stricter-gun-control-in-orlando-reaches-38k-signatures

  3. http://www.dw.com/en/us-lifts-military-ban-on-transgender-troops/a-19370182


Bad Ideas:

  1. http://www.cinemablend.com/news/1529399/why-cinemark-is-seeking-a-huge-amount-of-money-from-aurora-theater-shooting-victims

  2. http://floridapolitics.com/archives/215204-guacamole-thick-algae-causes-crisis-florida-coastline

  3. http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/06/somalia-roadside-bomb-kills-18-bus-160630070545072.html

Personal Picks:


Music: "Rocket and Pamgaea” by Kevin MacLeod (www.incompetech.com)

PSA: Guerrilla Skepticism on Wikipedia - GSoW https://www.facebook.com/GSoWproject