ORly Radio Show 60 - The Lightning Round

ORLY-EP0060 - The Lightning Round

ORly Radio Show 60 for Friday May 29th, 2015 - The Lightning Round

Welcome to ORly Radio where we dismantle the current events for your edutainment through mostly rational conversations that make you go ‘Oh Really’! I’m your host Andy Cowen.

Errata From Last Week: We make mistakes. Please, if you find one, pause the podcast, and send us a note. orlyradiopodcast@gmail.com or phone it in 470-222-6759

RANT Segments

I Just Don't Know

  1. EPA proposes to cut mandate on renewable fuel standards  http://circanews.com/s/Fzm
  2. Google unveils Project Soli, a radar-based wearable to control anything http://thenextweb.com/google/2015/05/29/google-unveils-project-soli-a-radar-based-wearable-to-control-anything/ Project Soli is really a radar that is small enough to fit into a wearable like a smartwatch. The small radar picks up on your movements in real-time, and uses movements you make to alter its signal.


  1. "Charlie Charlie Challenge."
    It involves putting two pencils on a piece of paper in the shape of a cross, and writing the words "yes" and "no" in the boxes outlined by the pencils. The participants then summon what they say is a Mexican demon called Charlie, attempting to ask him questions for guidance for their lives. From Christian Broadcasting Network  Where everything is a demonic possession. http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/us/2015/May/Kids-Summoning-Demon-in-New-Social-Media-Craze/

The Good:

  1. A summary of Google IO Developer Conference http://thenextweb.com/google/2015/05/28/everything-google-announced-at-google-io-2015-in-one-handy-list/

The Bad:

  1. Bumble Bee charged after employee burned to death in tuna oven  http://circanews.com/s/oBLB

  2. Volvo Self-Parking Car Hits People Because Owner Didn't Pay For Extra Feature http://fusion.net/story/139703/self-parking-car-accident-no-pedestrian-detection/

  3. Recently-Discovered Wasp Species Named For Harry Potter Creature. http://www.iflscience.com/plants-and-animals/recently-discovered-wasp-species-named-harry-potter-creature

The Ugly:

  1. The Patriot Act is coming. to remind us of this the hashtag #ifeelnaked along with scantily dressed pictures of individuals is sweeping the internet.
    1. http://www.dailydot.com/politics/patriot-act-naked-nude-blackout-congress-fight-for-the-future/
    2. https://www.ifeelnaked.org/

  2. Texas Right Wing Wackjob Claim Texas Flooding Caused Not by Climate Change but Witchcraft and Sodomyhttp://www.politicususa.com/2015/05/29/texas-flooding-caused-climate-change-witchcraft-sodomy.html


Andy’s: Plantronics M70 Bluetooth Headset http://amzn.to/1RwEVqG 11 hours of talk time, multi pairing and media playback on bluetooth 3.0 with a very long range. It also talks to you and gives you notice of how much estimated time it has left. Though the ear clip pinches more than the M50 (Discontinued), which is also a top performer with slightly less talk time and not as advanced for it’s features.


Music: "Rocket and Pamgaea” by Kevin MacLeod (www.incompetech.com)

PSA: Guerrilla Skepticism on Wikipedia - GSoW https://www.facebook.com/GSoWproject