ORLY-EP0167A - Money: The Trump Tax Plan

The Random Acts Company
ORLY-EP0167A - Money Monitor Trump Budget
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ORLY-EP0167A - Money: The Trump Tax Plan

Welcome to ORLYRADIO #167b recorded Friday, October 6th, 2017 - where we dismantle the current events for your edutainment through mostly rational conversations that make you go ‘Oh Really’! I’m your host Andy Cowen with my usual suspects, Daniel Atherton, Stephen Griffith, and Amber Biesecker.

We make mistakes. Please, if you find one, pause the podcast, and send us a note. orlyradiopodcast@gmail.com or phone it in 470-222-6759

Thank you to our Patreon Supporters!

Donald Davis
Melissa G.
Daniel Duncan (Problem Addict Podcast)

Following the Money - Market Watch:




Aug: - Week 4 - 8/25/17:
Dow closed at 21,813.67 UP 139.16 DOWN 16.64 from July
Nasdaq closed at 6,265.64 UP 49.11 DOWN 109.04 from July
S&P closed at 2,443.05 UP 17.5 DOWN 29.05 from July

Sept: Week 5 - 9/29/17: https://www.zacks.com/stock/news/277326/stock-market-news-for-sep-29-2017
Dow closed at 22,381 UP $567.33 From August
Nasdaq closed at 6,453.45 UP $187.81 From August
S&P closed at 2,510.06 UP $67.01 From August

October Friday Closing changes week to week:
OCT:: Week 1 - 10/06/17: https://www.zacks.com/stock/news/278014/stock-market-news-for-oct-6-2017
Dow closed at 22,775.39 UP $394.39
Nasdaq closed at 6,585.36 UP $131.91

S&P closed at 2,552.07 UP $42.01

From Zacks: “The S&P 500 breached a 20 year record on Thursday after hitting record close for six days on the trot. Also, the Dow and the Nasdaq notched up all-time highs. Meanwhile, the House of Representatives passed a $4.1 trillion budget bill for 2018. This package also includes $1.1 trillion for non-entitlement spending which further includes the U.S. defense budget for 2018.”

Following the Money - OIL




Week 4: $49.71 USD  UP $3.94 From last week, UP $5.48 from the top of the month.
Week 4: $47.87 USD DOWN $0.27 From last week, DOWN $1.81 from July.

Week 5: $51.67 USD UP $1.01, UP $3.80 from August.
Week 1: $49.29 USD DOWN $2.38 Back to July Prices.


Following the Money - Exchange Rates

money clipart.jpg

International Monetary Fund (IMF) XDR/SDR Basket Currencies

Five most-traded currencies in the foreign exchange market referenced against the US Dollar.

Week 4: $1 USD  =  €0.85 Eur = ¥6.74 CNY = ¥110.63 JPY = 0.76 GBP = 0.00036 Bitcoin
Week 4: $1 USD  =  €0.84 Eur = ¥6.65 CNY = ¥109.37 JPY = 0.77 GBP = 0.00023 Bitcoin

Week 5: $1 USD  =  €0.85 Eur = ¥6.64 CNY = ¥112.46 JPY = 0.75 GBP = 0.00024 Bitcoin
Week 1: $1 USD  =  €0.85 Eur = ¥6.57 CNY = ¥112.63 JPY = 0.77 GBP = 0.00023 Bitcoin

US National Debt Ticker

Watch that puppy grow! http://www.usdebtclock.org/

July 28: $19,967,603,583,206
August 25: $19,974,087,991,615 UP $68,048,025
September 29: $20,178,001,744,606 UP $5,251,427,833
October 6th: $20,345,281,729,369 UP $167,279,984,763

The proposed Brackets. A higher bracket is possible through Congressional action.

The proposed Brackets. A higher bracket is possible through Congressional action.

  1. The Trump Tax Plan https://assets.donaldjtrump.com/trump-tax-reform.pdf

  2. The Standard Deduction (as in non-itemized) will double. $12k for singles, $24k married.

    1. Alternative Minimum (AMT)is removed

    2. Increased Child Tax Credit (Under age of 17)

    3. Adult Dependent tax credit of $500

    4. Removal of the Estate Tax (or as they would like the american farmer to believe, the Death tax)

    5. Deductions for State Income Tax are going away (Double taxation on income??)

    6. Corporate Tax Rate is being cut from 35% to 20%

      1. S-Corp an small business taxes are capped at 25%

    7. How they propose to be “Fiscally responsible” and “The Trump tax cuts are fully paid for by”:

      1. Reducing or eliminating deductions and loopholes available to the very rich, starting by steepening the curve of the Personal Exemption Phaseout and the Pease Limitation on itemized deductions. The Trump plan also phases out the tax exemption on life insurance interest for high-income earners, ends the current tax treatment of carried interest for speculative partnerships that do not grow businesses or create jobs and are not risking their own capital, and reduces or eliminates other loopholes for the very rich and special interests. These reductions and eliminations will not harm the economy or hurt the middle class. Because the Trump plan introduces a new business income rate within the personal income tax code, they will not harm small businesses either.

      2. A one-time deemed repatriation of corporate cash held overseas at a significantly discounted 10% tax rate. Since we are making America’s corporate tax rate globally competitive, it is only fair that corporations help make that move fiscally responsible. U.S.-owned corporations have as much as $2.5 trillion in cash sitting overseas. Some companies have been leaving cash overseas as a tax maneuver. Under this plan, they can bring their cash home and put it to work in America while benefitting from the newly-lowered corporate tax rate that is globally competitive and no longer requires parking cash overseas. Other companies have cash overseas for specific business units or activities. They can leave that cash overseas, but they will still have to pay the one-time repatriation fee.

      3. An end to the deferral of taxes on corporate income earned abroad. Corporations will no longer be allowed to defer taxes on income earned abroad, but the foreign tax credit will remain in place because no company should face double taxation.

      4. Reducing or eliminating some corporate loopholes that cater to special interests, as well as deductions made unnecessary or redundant by the new lower tax rate on corporations and business income. We will also phase in a reasonable cap on the deductibility of business interest expenses.

2. House Budget Bill https://www.washingtonpost.com/powerpost/house-passes-2018-budget-taking-a-crucial-step-toward-tax-overhaul/2017/10/05/5ea7294e-a9d1-11e7-850e-2bdd1236be5d_story.html?utm_term=.1841f3e45fe5

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  • You can donate to the show through www.Patreon.com/orlyradio and get early access to full show content.

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  • And of course, engage us! Send us an message on the social medias or the electronic mails @ ORLYRADIOPODCAST@gmail.com or if you are the more talkative sort 470-222-ORLY (6759) is always ready to take your call or text.  

  • And if you don’t like what we’ve done here this evening, you can contact the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Lifeline provides free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.

Thank you for choosing us to waste your valuable time on! This has been ORLYRADIO, Part of The Random Acts Company.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License, including the music Rocket and Pamgaea created by Kevin MacLeod (www.incompetech.com)

ORLYEP0162A - Follow The Money, Economic Pulse Check, UBI, Taxes, and Military Pensions

ORLYEP0162A - Follow The Money, Economic Pulse Check, UBI, Taxes, and Military Pensions
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ORLYEP0162A - Follow The Money, Economic Pulse Check, UBI, Taxes, and Military Pensions

Welcome to ORLYRADIO #162A recorded Friday, August 18th, 2017 - where we dismantle the current events for your edutainment through mostly rational conversations that make you go ‘Oh Really’! I’m your host Andy Cowen with my usual suspects, Daniel Atherton and Stephen Griffith.

We make mistakes. Please, if you find one, pause the podcast, and send us a note. orlyradiopodcast@gmail.com or phone it in 470-222-6759

Thank you to our Patreon Supporters!

Donald Davis
Melissa G.
Daniel Duncan (Problem Addict Podcast)

Global Economic Pulse:


Follow The Markets, August Friday Closing changes week to week.

Week 1-8/04/17: Dow closed at 22,092.81 UP 262.5
Nasdaq closed at 6,351.56 DOWN 23.12
S&P closed at 2,476.83 UP 4.73

Week 2-8/11/17:   Dow closed at 21,858.32 DOWN 234.49
Nasdaq closed at 6,256.56 DOWN 95
S&P closed at 2,441.32 DOWN 35.51

Week 3-8/18/17:   Dow closed at 21,674.51 DOWN 183.81
Nasdaq closed at 6,216.53 DOWN 40.03
S&P closed at 2,425.55 DOWN 15.77

Compared to last month

7/28/17:   Dow closed at  21,830.31
Nasdaq closed at  6,374.68

S&P closed at  2,472.10

International Monetary Fund (IMF) XDR/SDR Basket Currencies

Five most-traded currencies in the foreign exchange market referenced against the US Dollar.


Week 4: $1 USD  =  €0.85 Eur = ¥6.74 CNY = ¥110.63 JPY = 0.76 GBP = 0.00036 Bitcoin


Week 1: $1 USD  =  €0.85 Eur = ¥6.73 CNY = ¥110.69 JPY = 0.77 GBP = 0.00035 Bitcoin

Week 2: $1 USD  =  €0.85 Eur = ¥6.67 CNY = ¥109.16 JPY = 0.77 GBP = 0.00024 Bitcoin

Week 3: $1 USD  =  €0.85 Eur = ¥6.67 CNY = ¥109.18 JPY = 0.78 GBP = 0.00024 Bitcoin


Over a barrel = http://www.nasdaq.com/markets/crude-oil.aspx



Week 4: $49.71 USD  UP $3.94 From last week, UP 5.48 from the top of the month.


Week 1: $49.58 USD DOWN $0.13

Week 2: $48.78 USD DOWN $0.80  

Week 3: $48.51 USD DOWN $0.27


Watch that puppy grow! http://www.usdebtclock.org/

July 28: $19,967,603,583,206

August 4: $19,969,787,407,865 Up $2,183,824,659

August 13: $19,972,583,428,675 Up $2,796,020,810

August 18: $19,974,156,039,640 UP $1,572,610,965

162- debt clock.PNG

US Unfunded Liabilities (GAAP) $107,176,295,247,453 (about 7pm tonight)


The amount, at any given time, by which future payment obligations exceed the present value of funds available to pay them. For example, a pension plan's payment obligations, including all income, death and termination benefits owed, are compared to the plan's present investment experience, and if the total plan obligations exceed the projected plan assets at any point in time, the plan has an unfunded liability.

Used in context: “Based on revenue projections from the Social Security Administration and the fact that the very populous Baby Boomer Generation has begun to reach retirement age, the economist argued that the U.S. Social Security system would soon become an unfunded liability unless comprehensive reforms were made.”

If you’ve enjoyed what we do here and would like to help us out, there are a few ways.

  • You can donate to the show through www.Patreon.com/orlyradio and get early access to full show content.

  • Make the Algorithm work for us by reviewing us on iTunes to boost our ranking.

  • Use your Words and tell someone about us.

  • And of course, engage us! Send us an message on the social medias or the electronic mails @ ORLYRADIOPODCAST@gmail.com or if you are the more talkative sort 470-222-ORLY (6759) is always ready to take your call or text.  

  • And if you don’t like what we’ve done here this evening, you can contact the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Lifeline provides free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.

Thank you for choosing us to waste your valuable time on! This has been ORLYRADIO, Part of The Random Acts Company.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License, including the music Rocket and Pamgaea created by Kevin MacLeod (www.incompetech.com)

ORLY-EP0128D - Good Ideas-Sanders V Pharma, Cases of Havanas

ORLY-EP0128D - Good Ideas-Sanders V Pharma, Cases of Havanas
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ORLY-EP0128D - Good Ideas-Sanders V Pharma, Cases of Havanas

Welcome to ORLYRADIO #128 recorded Friday October 14th, 2016 - where we dismantle the current events for your edutainment through mostly rational conversations that make you go ‘Oh Really’! I’m your host Andy Cowen, with my usual suspect, Stephen Griffith

Good Ideas:

  1. Sen. Bernie Sanders calls out pharmaceutical company Ariad for price gouging, stock drops: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-10-14/sanders-tweet-on-drugmaker-ariad-s-greed-sends-stock-plunging #Leukemia

  2. Cuba is now open for business!   http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2016/10/14/obama-cuba-regulations-expands-trade-travel-rum-cigars/92042662/

  3. Politics Tangent: Trumpian fallout speculation and pseudo-trumps.

Audience Feedback From Previous Shows:

We make mistakes. Please, if you find one, pause the podcast, and send us a note. orlyradiopodcast@gmail.com or phone it in 470-222-6759


ORLY-EP0116a - Lamenting Istanbul and the Brexit

ORLY-EP0116a - Lamenting Istanbul and the Brexit
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ORLY-EP0116a - Lamenting Istanbul and the Brexit

Welcome to ORLYRADIO #116A recorded Friday July 1st, 2016 - where we dismantle the current events for your edutainment through mostly rational conversations that make you go ‘Oh Really’! I’m your host Andy Cowen, with my usual suspect, Daniel Atherton.

Audience Feedback From Previous Shows:

We make mistakes. Please, if you find one, pause the podcast, and send us a note. orlyradiopodcast@gmail.com or phone it in 470-222-6759

Potpourri: Guests/Rants/Etc:

  1. Turkey:

    1. Ataturk international airport in Istanbul was attacked on the 28th and at least 42 were killed with 239 injured by a trio of suicide bombers. The bastards that blew themselves up were identified thursday as a Russian national, an Uzbek citizen, and another from Kyrgyzstan. Turkey's Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said initial indications suggested Daesh was responsible for the attack. Turkey has been struck by a series of deadly attacks this year — including attacks in Istanbul in January and February, attacks in both Istanbul and Ankara in March, and an attack targeting police in Istanbul earlier this month. Some of those attacks have been claimed by Kurdish militants; others have been attributed to the Islamic State.” http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/06/29/483983313/death-toll-in-istanbul-airport-attack-rises-to-41

    2. http://aa.com.tr/en/todays-headlines/istanbul-airport-terror-attack-death-toll-rises-to-44/599383

  2. Brexit - Follow the money.

    1. UK Independence Party Leader Admits His Bold Brexit Claim Was a "Mistake" http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/06/nigel-farage-admits-his-bold-brexit-claim-was-mistake

    2. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/global-markets-world-stocks-tumble-204403520.html

    3. June 24 (Reuters) - Global stock markets lost about $2 trillion in value on Friday after Britain voted to leave the European Union, while sterling suffered a record one-day plunge to a 31-year low and money poured into safe-haven gold and government bonds

    4. The shockwaves affected all asset classes and regions.

      1. The safe-haven yen jumped 3.8 percent to 102.36 per dollar , having been as low as 106.81. The dollar's peak decline of 4 percent was the largest since 1998.

      2. Emerging market currencies across Asia and eastern Europe and South Africa's rand all buckled on fears that investors could pull out. Poland's zloty slumped 4.7 percent.

      3. Europe's safety play, the 10-year German government bond, surged, with yields tumbling back into negative territory and a new record low.

      4. MSCI's broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan slid almost 3.4 percent. Tokyo's Nikkei had its worst fall since 2011, down 7.9 percent.

      5. Investors stampeded into low-risk sovereign bonds, with U.S. 10-year notes up around 1.5 points in price to yield 1.5718 percent. Earlier, the yield dipped to 1.406 percent.

      6. The rally even extended to UK bonds, despite a warning from ratings agency Standard & Poor's that it was likely to downgrade Britain's triple-A credit rating if it left the EU. Yields on benchmark 10-year gilts fell 27 basis points to 1.096 pct.

      7. Across the Atlantic, investors were pricing in less chance of another hike in U.S. interest rates given the Federal Reserve had cited a British exit from the EU as one reason to be cautious on tightening.

      8. The cost for Wall Street to fund dollar-based trades rose on Friday to the highest in nearly three months.

      9. Oil prices slumped around 5 percent amid fears of a broader economic slowdown that could reduce demand. U.S. crude shed $2.51 to $47.60 a barrel while Brent fell 4.9 percent to $48.42.

      10. Industrial metal copper sank 1.7 percent but gold leaped nearly 5 percent higher thanks to its perceived safe-haven status.

This Week in History:

Sources: http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history

  1. 1867 - Canadian Independence day. The autonomous Dominion of Canada, a confederation of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the future provinces of Ontario and Quebec, is officially recognized by Great Britain with the passage of the British North America Act

  2. 1947 - “Mr. X” article appears in Foreign Affairs. State Department official George Kennan, using the pseudonym “Mr. X,” publishes an article entitled “The Sources of Soviet Conduct” in the July edition of Foreign Affairs. The article focused on Kennan’s call for a policy of containment toward the Soviet Union and established the foundation for much of America’s early Cold War foreign policy

  3. 1984 - PG-13 rating debuts. On this day in 1984, the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), which oversees the voluntary rating system for movies, introduces a new rating, PG-13. Red Dawn, released August 10, 1984, becomes the first movie released with a PG-13 rating.

  4. 1997 - Hong Kong returns to China. At midnight on July 1, 1997, Hong Kong reverts back to Chinese rule in a ceremony attended by British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Prince Charles of Wales, Chinese President Jiang Zemin, and U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. A few thousand Hong Kongers protested the turnover, which was otherwise celebratory and peaceful.

  5. 2002 - Two planes collide over Germany. A Russian Tupolev 154 collides in midair with a Boeing 757 cargo plane over southern Germany on this day in 2002. The 69 passengers and crew on the Russian plane and the two-person cargo crew were all killed. The collision occurred even though each plane had TCAS (Traffic Collision Avoidance System) collision-avoidance equipment onboard and everything functioned correctly

-BREAK- Logical Fallacy


Moralistic Fallacy
The moralistic fallacy is the opposite of the naturalistic fallacy. The naturalistic fallacy moves from descriptions of how things are to statements of how things ought to be, the moralistic fallacy does the reverse. The moralistic fallacy moves from statements about how things ought to be to statements about how things are; it assumes that the world is as it should be. This, sadly, is a fallacy; sometimes things aren’t as they ought to be.
Have you ever crossed a one-way street without looking in both directions? If you have, reasoning that people shouldn’t be driving the wrong way up a one way street so there’s no risk of being run over from that direction, then you’ve committed the moralistic fallacy. Sometimes things aren’t as they ought to be. Sometimes people drive in directions that they shouldn’t. The rules of the road don’t necessarily describe actual driving practices..

-BREAK- Voicemail

Science Bitches!  

  1. Earth has 2 moons now. http://gizmodo.com/earths-new-quasi-moon-will-stick-around-for-centuries-1782082812

  2. Areas of Central Park are now more radioactive than 5 of the 6 Marshal Islands where the US tested nuclear weapons in the 1940’s. The most famous, the Bikini Island, is still at 184 millirems. Central Park clocked in at 100 millirems.  http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2016/06/some-us-nuke-testing-sites-are-now-less-radioactive-central-park

  3. "We can take someone’s memory - which is typically something internal and private - and we can pull it out from their brains," one of the team, neuroscientist Brice Kuhl, http://www.sciencealert.com/scientists-have-invented-a-mind-reading-machine-that-can-visualise-your-thoughts-kind-of

    1. http://www.jneurosci.org/content/36/22/6069.short?sid=39264297-467f-403a-9806-429798f2237c  

  4. Artificially Intelligent Lawyer “Ross” Has Been Hired By Its First Official Law Firm http://futurism.com/artificially-intelligent-lawyer-ross-hired-first-official-law-firm/

    1. Ross, “the world’s first artificially intelligent attorney” built on IBM’s cognitive computer Watson, was designed to read and understand language, postulate hypotheses when asked questions, research, and then generate responses (along with references and citations) to back up its conclusions. Ross also learns from experience, gaining speed and knowledge the more you interact with it.
      “You ask your questions in plain English, as you would a colleague, and ROSS then reads through the entire body of law and returns a cited answer and topical readings from legislation, case law and secondary sources to get you up-to-speed quickly,” the website says. “In addition, ROSS monitors the law around the clock to notify you of new court decisions that can affect your case.”