Topic Tuesday #144 2015/04/21 "Before ReAsonCon 2015"

Topic Tuesday #144 2015/04/21 "Before ReAsonCon 2015"

Friday I am traveling to a conference. There will be hundreds of  driven individuals like myself. Hundreds of men and women to talk to, to share ideas, and cross promote our projects. I have prepared as well as I can, without inducing panic attacks and undue stress. This has been planned for months. I have business cards, car magnets, a pocket recorder for those interviews that are bound to happen, battery packs for my phones and computers, Excedrin, Wi-Fi hotspot, and of course my hotel room. I do not know how I'm going to get a show out this week, and I don't want to miss it.

This conference is veiling my mind thoroughly. I was racking my brain trying to come up with a Topic Tuesday post, and all I could think of was rebranding the Topic Tuesday section of the webpage to better reflect what this blog has become. Perhaps I should just make it "Topic Tuesday". Perhaps I should meld it with "Cowen's Corner" and the headings and meta tagging will serve to keep it separate. Should I do that before the conference Friday?

See? Overwhelming.

BUT! It is good stress. I am forced to refine my efforts and focus on usability, discoverability, and making the overall experience something that visitors want to repeat.

I'm also using my tools in new ways, which makes them show their true strengths and weaknesses.  For Instance, I am currently typing this on a my $80 Winbook tablet with a Bluetooth keyboard shell from , and a Logitech Bluetooth mouse.. It is a full Windows 8.1 computer with a full USB port and it takes the same charger as all my other accessories. This will serve as my data entry device while at the convention. Hopefully it works well. I will have a full Dell laptop just in case, but I will try to work with this little fella.

Thusly, next Tuesday, I will have plenty to say about the experience, and reviews of my kit.

In the mean time, I would like you all to chime in and tell e if you think I should change anything with the website or the show in total.

Have a great week, until next time.

Topic Tuesday #143 2015/04/14 "What's The Harm?"

Topic Tuesday #143 2015/04/14 "What's The Harm?"

Today my thought train derailed when an article crossed my path. It was one of those "ah ha" style moments. Some of those moments make you jubilant, and sometimes they drive you to drink; this was the latter.

Have you ever excused an action or series of events with the rhetorical question, "What's the harm?" I imagine you have. I have, in the past. I've reached a point in my life that "what's the harm" is a call to action instead of rhetoric. Dear readers, I challenge you to examine those things in your path that could be simple rhetorical questions and find out what the harm really is. 

Beware though; the truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.

I don't like to tease too much, so here is the story that jerked me around and made me really consider this topic. 

Briefly, here is the TL:DR version: Texas, a set of very religious parents starved their two year old boy because their faith leader believe he was possessed by demons.  After 25 days without food, the boy died and the couple fled to Mexico with the corpse to attempt to resurrect the boy. It didn't work, much to the grief of the bereaved parents.

So... What's the harm? What could possibly be harmful about religious practice?

They killed their son with the love of their faith. They didn't seek proper treatment for whatever was the root cause of the "demon possession" and rather took it on faith that... what were they hoping for?  As a parent, I can understand how terrible it can be to have a child in pain, or in a psychological condition that you do not know how to handle. I can sympathize that they were trying to save him. I can't fathom how difficult it could be to withhold food from their defenseless child who is completely reliant on their parents for their basic needs... The phrases "for your own good," and "this hurts me more than you" come to mind. That tough love... That ended up killing the recipient of their love. This brings another phrase to mind, "With friends like these, who needs enemies?" 

And of course, the echo in my mind, "What's the harm?" 

I think I figured it out, but you tell me. Cheers. 

I owe you all a drink after this downer. Sorry everyone, but the world is really screwed up and we need to fix it.

I owe you all a drink after this downer. Sorry everyone, but the world is really screwed up and we need to fix it.

Topic Tuesday #142 2015/04/07 "Lemon Sherbert"

Topic Tuesday #142 2015/04/07 "Lemon Sherbert"

In last weeks ORly Radio Podcast, our one year anniversary show, we examined the Lemon Test and the Sherbert Test. Since they are so similar, form, function, method, I have grouped them as The Lemon Sherbert Test for "excessive entanglement" between government and religion.

The recent hubbub about the Religious Freedom Restoration Acts that the individual states are hoisting upon the citizenry got me thinking what the deal was. The original RFRA (1993) was brought about primarily (or under the guise) of supporting indigenous American religious rites, including land use and the use of illicit substances in the practice of their religion. Drugs, kids, I'm talking about Peyote (mescaline). The new state laws extend the law to individual citizens and it works out that it is very possible to use these laws to promote religious discrimination, looking a lot like bigotry ala segregation but for GLBT and other unprotected classes. So... How can you tell that the government has stepped in the doo doo? A fairly simple test, that in true government fashion was invented twice. 

The Sherbert Test  came about in Sherbert v. Verner in 1963. It works as follows:

For the individual, the court must determine:

  • whether the person has a claim involving a sincere religious belief, and

  • whether the government action is a substantial burden on the person’s ability to act on that belief. Expanded: If government confronts an individual with a choice that pressures the individual to forego a religious practice, whether by imposing a penalty or withholding a benefit, then the government has burdened the individual's free exercise of religion.

If these two elements are established, then the government must prove

  • Interest Prong: that it is acting in furtherance of a “compelling state interest,” and

  • Narrowly-Tailored Prong: that it has pursued that interest in the manner least restrictive, or least burdensome, to religion.

The Lemon Test  similarly came from Lemon v. Kurtzman in 1971. It breaks down like this:

The requirements for legislation concerning religion, is threefold:

  1. Entanglement Prong - The statute must not result in an "excessive government entanglement" with religious affairs.

  2. Effect Prong - The statute must not advance nor inhibit religious practice

  3. Purpose Prong - The statute must have a secular legislative purpose.

If any of these prongs are violated, the government's action is deemed unconstitutional under the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

Now, let's break this into the Lemon Sherbert Test.

Three seems to be a magic number, so let's keep with three "prongs".

  1. Entanglement Determination Prong: Does an established religious practice run against a government interest? Then the Government cannot advance nor inhibit the free exercise of religion with its secular (religion neutral legislative) purpose.
  2. Narrowly-Tailored Interest Prong: In the event that the least burdensome government action to religion is still in conflict with a practice for furtherance of a “compelling state interest", the state interest will overrule the free exercise of religion. (National Security Loophole, which I estimate why the Sherbert test is prefered in RFRA legal challenges.)
  3. Purpose Prong: The government's purpose/actions must adhere to the constitution and be in the best interest to the citizenry without endorsing a religious belief.

But to be even clearer:

Government, may not endorse or burden a religion. Government must work around religion without interfering in, or endorsing, the practice thereof - unless a compelling state interest makes compromise infeasible for greater national interests within the bounds of the constitution.

There... Now, hopefully, you understand how to determine if there is a violation of a religious interest by government action. Typically, what we see is a misunderstanding of the rights of the religious versus the abilities of the government to govern. Religions do not exist in a vacuum and must deal with the laws of the land. Even Jesus said, "Give back to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's." Mark 12:17

Topic Tuesday #140 2015/03/24 "Mid Week Birthdays Suck"

Topic Tuesday #140 2015/03/24 "Mid Week Birthdays Suck"

Today is my daughter's birthday. She is five. Given that it is a Tuesday she will not get her real party until the weekend hits. This has led me back to my conclusion that midweek birthdays always kinda suck. I made sure to get her cupcakes so she could celebrate with her friends at daycare, so I imagine she had a good day, but it wasn't markedly different from her normal day to day routine. I'm not sure if there is more I can do for my kids during the weeks when their birthdays hit, as we always do something on the weekend before or after depending solely on convenience. This is something that everyone struggles with and most adults are perfectly desensitised to, read as numb and apathetic.  I am only concerned because I live vicariously through my children and want the best for them. 

What are we to do to make these days better? 

  • Take a day off and run a muck?
  • Ignore it?
  • Half ass it?
  • Just delay and delay?
  • Stagger presents? A little now a little later?
  • Celebrate the whole damn week?

Depending on how life works for you and yours, you are familiar with all these options and perhaps more that I am overlooking. As for this household with a bright eyed eager five year old, a little now, a little later, staggered until the weekend, and I'll likely be a big softy all week if she does anything wrong. What more can a doting father do? 

Happy Birthday, Honey!

Topic Tuesday #139 2015/03/17 "Being Orange on St. Patrick's Day"

Topic Tuesday #139 2015/03/17 "Being Orange on St. Patrick's Day"

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Unless you are from the area of Ireland commonly referred to as Belfast. 
Green is the color of being Irish, or so all the stores would have you believe with the shamrock shakes, shirts, hats, beer, shots, cups, hair, entire rivers and so on. Green is also the color of Catholic Ireland. 

Thanks to the Crown of Ireland Act 1542 the sovereign  Kingdom of Ireland was established with with Henry VIII as the King of Ireland. Henry had broken ties with the Holy Roman Catholic Church over a little dispute in doctrine to secure an annulment from his wife in the 1530s. So with a new sovereignty came the King's religion in a consolidated and rebranded Church of England. This did not go over very well with the Irish, however they were weary from war and had acquiesced for the time being. 

As time marched on, so the throne changed hands. July of 1553 saw the reign of Mary the First. You may know her by another moniker, that of Bloody Mary. The reason you know that name is because of what she was responsible for. She was a Catholic following after her mother Catherine whom Henry broke ties with the Catholic Church to divorce, as she didn't bear him a son. She eventually succeeded her half brother, Edward VI, when he died in 1553, there was a kerfuffle about succession as she was Catholic and that was bad for Church of England branding. As Royal disputes over lineage go, it was violent. Mary had her first cousin, Lady Jane Grey deposed and then beheaded for being made queen before her. This may have been the first blood on her hands, but far from the last. During her five year reign as the first queen regent of England and queen consort of Habsburg Spain, she had more that 280 religious dissenters burned at the stake. When Mary died in 1558 so did her resurrection of Roman Catholicism. Her younger half sister, Elizabeth I took the throne and returned Church of England and protestantism to the realm.  

Fast forward to the 1700's and we see more formalization of the unification of Great Britain with Scotland and England burying the kaber, becoming the United Kingdom of Great Britain; then in 1714 with the death of Queen Anne and the Act of Settlement they were joined further with Ireland but it wasn't until the Act of Union 1800, the Kingdom of Ireland merged with the Kingdom of Great Britain, creating the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
Things go dicey in 1922 and continued to fall apart until the constituent parts were renamed the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in 1927, five years after the establishment of the Irish Free State. In 1953 the newly formed Republic of Ireland had formed and Ireland  had left the British Commonwealth.  There have been troubles in Northern Ireland ever since. 

Orange Order Flag.

Where does the orange come in? you may be wondering. Actually, it already did. The Loyal Orange Institution, or Orange Order, was founded as a Protestant fraternal order in Northern Ireland in 1795 when there was significant conflict between the majority Roman Catholic population and the decidedly smaller, but sanctioned under the crown, Anglican Protestants. The order derived it's name from William of Orange, a Protestant king who defeated a Catholic army at the Battle of the Boyne in 1690. They wore orange sashes and were called "Orangemen". The order has been a symbol of an ever present rift between Catholics and Protestants; the green and the orange.  "The Orange and the Green" or "The Biggest Mix-Up" is an Irish folk song about a man whose father was a Protestant (Orange) and whose mother was a Catholic (Green). These stories and the violence and animosity have permeated the area for centuries, and continue with the Order making marches and with interfaith marriages being shied away from if they can.

So, when you wear green on St. Patrick's Day, you might want to add a dash of orange, or avoid those wish sashes of orange and an angry look in their eye. Here in the states, you can pretty much count everyone as Irish today, so to your health! Have a green beer for me.

Topic Tuesday #138 2015/03/10 "Short Attention Span Theater"

Topic Tuesday #138 2015/03/10 "Short Attention Span Theater"

From Wikipedia : 

Short Attention Span Theater (abbreviated SAST) was an American clip show in which the hosts presented short segments of stand-up comedy acts and scenes from films airing on HBO and Cinemax.

SAST premiered on the Comedy Channel in November 1989; it was one of the channel's initial programs. Because the Comedy Channel, HBO, and Cinemax were all owned by Home Box Office, Inc., the show was used to promote the parent corporation's programming.

In April 1991, the Comedy Channel merged with Ha!, Viacom's competing comedy channel, to form CTV: The Comedy Network; two months later, CTV rebranded as Comedy Central. The network continued to order new episodes of SAST after this transition, but with some modifications.

Why Am I digging up this hilarious relic of the past? Because of the psychological ramifications of the title, and the meaning behind it. Short Attention Span Theater.  I recently read an article about getting your point across in a very time compressed format. Essentially, an elevator pitch.

See the atricle here:

There have been many studies over the years as to the average attention span of humans in general and Americans in particular.  It would appear that our attention spans have become smaller over the years. Currently some scientists say that it can be as short as 8 seconds. If you are able to get past that initial transience, then you have a second barrier to get past, the "selective sustained attention" of people is about 5 minutes, and recurring roughly every 5 minutes there on.

Based on this information, if you want to grab someone and hold onto them until they really hear you out you need to capture them in the first 10 seconds and then be interesting and compelling enough to get past the 5 minute sustained attention span, and be able to use the next 5 minutes to get real buy in and compelling motivation to stay with it. Even if you manage this daunting task, you only have 20 minutes before they reach a sort of saturation and need a break to absorb or palate cleanse. Some people will drift away and come back to a topic of interest (or responsibility). Often they have to bounce from one to another to maintain a clear focus without becoming bored. Not only should you be concerned with the target of your elevator pitch, you need to be mindful of your own attentions during the pitch. It is just as easy for you to be distracted as those around you.

We have largely become a culture that is forever inundated with memes and sound bites. All these quick nibbles of information has likely contributed to our diminishing attention spans. There were estimates that placed the attention span of earlier generations as being much longer, though testing methods would be forever contested, anecdotal evidence seems to have some merit in this case. 

ADHD diagnosis may be influenced by the environment they person exists in. Likewise someone that is on the autism spectrum may have an advantage for having a more focused attention span as we travel headlong into a more information rich society.  

Now go see something shiny!

Topic Tuesday #137 2015/03/03 "Common Ground"

Topic Tuesday #137 2015/03/03 "Common Ground"

In any communication attempt between two individuals a common ground much be achieved before any discourse can be successful. 

As an example of a common failing, take the word "theory". We have established we are speaking English here, at least we have that going for us, now we have to deal with meaning.  

Do you have one or do you just ask Google everything now?

Do you have one or do you just ask Google everything now?

Where do we get our definitions from? 
In most cases, we get them from our circle of influence. Oh you thought I was going to say dictionary? Sadly, no. We learn language at the proverbial apron strings of our parents. Slowly, formal education can supersede incorrect entries in our inbuilt lexicon. More often than not, the cognitive dissonance that this can create usually causes the most trusted source to be adopted, in spite of correctness. In the United States there has been a rash of anti-intellectualism where facts are debated as if they are merely opinions.

Back to the example of "Theory". If we are speaking about the theory of gravity, then we are dealing with a scientific subject. In the logic tree of life, this would be an indicator that we should use the definition that refers to science: "A supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained." This implies a valid explanation of a phenomenon.

Seems straight forward enough but what if you are not familiar with the ways science? Then you use this definition: "A set of principles on which the practice of an activity is based. Or an idea used to account for a situation or justify a course of action." This implies that something is unproven or speculative, not a solid understanding of a subject. 

Here we have a dichotomy. What are we to do? We must agree on a definition to continue. We must reach common ground to continue.  

Anytime I have to deal with a situation where the definition of words is the problem, I scramble to rephrase the entire sentiment with other language, grasping at what tenuous understanding may be possible. I'm reminded of a Star Trek TNG episode. Captain Picard was kidnapped by another captain to try to foster diplomatic relations. It was a first contact scenario and though the words were understood by the universal translator, the meaning was lost as Captain Dathon's people communicated through metaphor and shared experiences. 

I guess you had to be there...

I guess you had to be there...

Do you have the Cliff's Notes?

Do you have the Cliff's Notes?

Dathon understood that he had to give them common ground; a shared experience that could bridge the distance between their people. 

Translation: Finally the Terran get's it!

Translation: Finally the Terran get's it!

Have you encountered a problem with establishing common ground? What did you do to bridge the gap?

Topic Tuesday #136 2015/02/24 "Genetically Modified Organisms"

Topic Tuesday #136 2015/02/24 "Genetically Modified Organisms"

Recently a rash of anti-intellectualism has gripped the United States. People are abusing the term skeptic when really they are just denying the consensus of scientific findings.  We have seen this with climate change. We have felt the prick of the anti-vaccination crowd.  One that we haven't discussed is that of genetically modified organisms, aka, food.  

Let me be very clear here: there is no danger in eating the current crops. The danger is in the unknown. 

Let us take as an example, GMO corn. The number one consumer of GMO corn is cattle. It is an enormous part of their diet. The livestock that we rely on for many industries and other food, has suffered no ill effects from this diet. On a microscopic level, the GMO corn is identical to a non-GMO variety.  Combine this knowledge with the thousands of studies from all over the world and you have a mountain of evidence showing there is nothing to be concerned with in its consumption.

Bill Nye, recently, has come out against GMO. His take is different and I share it. He posits that we do not know the impact on the ecosystems around these products. The science is not mature enough for his liking on the effects to all the interconnected bio systems. His, is a reasonable position, even if he would prefer to stop using it all until that science is in. 

That's not going to happen, based on human nature. The horse has left the barn, as is said down on Old MacDonald's farm. The world is the lab in this case, and we will have to deal with it due to inertia. 

In parting, the foods are safe for us, but we don't know what the long term effects their presence in the biosphere will have. 

Remember the fictional PhD, Ian Malcolm. "Life finds a way" "That's chaos theory..."

For the references to the data in the attached meme, the source URL is here.

Topic Tuesday #135 2015/02/17 "Home Automation - Part 1"

Topic Tuesday #135 2015/02/17 "Home Automation - Part 1"

This week I decided to use some of my tax return and jump into the mysterious world of home automation. I'm going to be going through all the bits and pieces on here and with reviews in Cowen's Corner. This is just a tease, as I'm still letting the dust settle.

I went with the SmartThings ecosystem.

There were three primary reasons for why this product and not one of the many others.

1) Cost - The SmartThings Hub was among the least expensive for the features offered. It's a pay once solution with no subscription fees.
2) Flexibility - The SmartThings ecosystem works with the major standards of "internet of things" and home automation. Primarily "Z-Wave" is represented along with the "ZigBee" protocol. These standards make up the backbone of the "internet of things" in your connected home. If you have a security system that has wireless sensors on doors and windows, you might already have some of these in your home.
3) Integration with other pioneers on the internet. So far, I would be lost without recipes from IFTTT (IF This Then That) For instance, IFTTT allows me to record when the front door is locked or unlocked to a spreadsheet on my Google Drive. It is location aware based on my phone., so if I leave the area it will lock the door and turn off my phone's WiFi. I've also set times of day for when that door should be locked by default. It makes that happen and sends me an alert and records it on the sheet. With other partners like Life360 (which I just came across) you can really get a handle on how your family can benefit from some automation and the piece of mind of know where anyone is at a given time.

I've just scratched the surface and it will be an adventure - not the cheapest adventure, but well worth exploring.

What would you automate?

Topic Tuesday #134 2015/02/10 "To Clean Or Not Too Clean?"

Topic Tuesday #134 2015/02/10 "To Clean Or Not Too Clean?"

I'm sure I had a topic around here someplace... But I lost it when I had to start moving furniture in the living room. Last week, I told you about my drain problems. Today I was told the plumbers would be at my house tomorrow and would be trenching through my living room to fix the cast iron. 

So... I will leave you with the thought on my mind:
How much do you clean when the purpose of someones visit is to destroy part of your house?

Topic Tuesday #133 - 2015/02/03 "Going With The Flow"

Topic Tuesday #133 - 2015/02/03 "Going With The Flow"

Sometimes the universe lines up just right where all the cogs seem to fit and you can accomplish a great many things. Sometimes not all those things are good. I had one of those days today. It started with a phone call. Something good happened and I didn't need to be where I thought I ought to. Then another call and I had to go someplace else, pick something up that would require something at home. While at home, the door bell rings and it is the drain guy to clear the pipes. How fortuitous I was home. He proceeds to break through the bottom of a clean out, charges us for the drain he snaked that didn't break and left us with a hole in the foundation to throw money into.

yeah... That's the pipe. Bastard. 

yeah... That's the pipe. Bastard. 

Then I was off to the doctor with my kid, and then to ice cream because they were good, then somewhere that took plastic because no one carries cash anymore -except that place- and then to the X-Rays, and then to get dinner, because the kitchen drain is attached to the line that was earlier broken. 

There was more in there, but needless to say, everything lined up perfectly. Not a perfect day, but there was something magical about the flow of it all -even if some of it sucked. 

So, today's topic is a word of advice, sometimes you just have to go with the flow. Enjoy the ride everyone!

Topic Tuesday #132 2015/01/27 - "The Fermi Paradox - Where is Everybody?"

Topic Tuesday #132 2015/01/27 - "The Fermi Paradox - Where is Everybody?"

Once upon a time, man looked up at the Sun and felt the Earth beneath them as unmovable. We thought that we were the center of everything and that we were special because of it. Time passed, stories told, and the world explored. We now see deep into distance and time with our telescopes and know that we are not the center of the solar system, the galaxy, and certainly not the universe.

Enrico Fermi

Enrico Fermi

Mathematics combined with cosmology leads there are an estimated 200–400 billion (2–4 ×1011) stars in the Milky Way and 70 sextillion (7×1022) in the visible universe. Even if intelligent life occurs on only a minuscule percentage of planets around these stars, there might still be a great number of civilizations extant in the Milky Way galaxy alone. The math says that someone should have been noticed by now. Pondering this one day, as the story goes, Enrico Fermi asked his pals from the Los Alamos National Laboratory "Where is everybody?" 

This is a good question. It also creates other questions...

As we continue to peer into the abyss, we have found planets that orbit stars, not unlike our own. The most recent of those (at the time of this writing) is Kepler-444. Kepler-444 hosts five Earth-sized planets in very compact orbits. It is also 11.2 billion years old; the oldest star with earth-sized planets ever found. This is proof that such planets have formed throughout the history of the Universe. This star could be gone now. The planets engulfed by an expanding star, as ours is likely to do in another 5 or 6 billion years. If… If there were intelligent life in the Kepler-444 system, did they escape their planets demise? Will we? 

Arthur C. Clarke

Arthur C. Clarke

I am reminded strongly of a statement made by one of my favorite science fiction authors; it made my brain hurt.

“Two possibilities exist: Either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.” - Arthur C. Clarke

What do you think?

Topic Tuesday #131 2015/01/13 - "Branding"

Topic Tuesday #131 2015/01/13 - "Branding"

I will get to the crusades next week, they proved too much for me this week.

Did you take the challenge?

Did you take the challenge?

Branding is critical to everything we do. Obviously the can of Coke or Pepsi are iconic examples of brands and the recognition embedded into our culture. Coke has the Polar Bears and Santa, Pepsi used Michael Jackson and their slogan, "The Choice of A New Generation" and we instantly know what they are and maybe we even want to have one right now. 

Brands encompass texture, fonts, color combinations and selections, size and placement of every element, slogans, mascots, uniforms, and if done right - the brand tells a story that sticks with the consumer. But, branding goes further than companies hocking their wares. 

People have brands too. Everything about how you present yourself is part of your brand. Say you are a mask wearing swashbuckling antihero with a penchant for carving the first letter of your moniker into your foes... All of that is the brand of Zorro. But you present your brand too, everyday. Your speech patterns, your tool choices, your favorite pen with your illegible signature, the way you walk, the clothes you wear. The entire package of you, is your brand. Just like Batman, Superman, Wonderwoman, Teddy Roosevelt, Donald Trump (oh the hair...) anyone that wears a uniform to do their job... even clandestine organizations have brands. 

Even the Fluffy White Evil Kitty is part of Blofeld's brand.

Even the Fluffy White Evil Kitty is part of Blofeld's brand.

I had a mentor in college, Tom Begley. Not only was he the best Technical Director I have had the pleasure of working with, he was a genuinely wonderful person. In the morning, classical music played, only to be switched to classic rock in the afternoon. He wore the "same" clothes every day: a black shirt, dark jeans, cost conscious black sneakers, and a coating of saw dust. He would tidy up for headshots. Like he would throw a "nice" shirt on over the black tee. But, if you made it past the barbarian exterior, you got to find out what was behind the brand. He confided in me during a show run about his personal brand. "I dress like a barbarian so no one will bother me." He wanted to avoid distraction and devote time where he was needed. I miss him, and perhaps his brand helped to cement him in my mind. 

What is your brand? Does it say what you want about you? 

Topic Tuesday #130 2015/01/06 - "The Knights Templar"

Topic Tuesday #130 2015/01/06 - "The Knights Templar"

Seal of the Knights Templar

Seal of the Knights Templar

On this day in 1128, Pope Honorius II granted papal sanction to the military order known as the Knights Templar, declaring it to be an army of God.

The organization was founded by Frenchman Hughes de Payens in 1118 to protect Christian pilgrims on their pilgrimage to the holy land during the crusades. For those that are unaware, the crusades were a series of conflicts with the aim of defeating Muslims in Palestine. More on that, next week. 

Temple Mount, Jerusalem

Temple Mount, Jerusalem

The Templars took their name for the location of their headquarters at Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Early on, it was a small organization owing its ranks to severe restrictions and vows. One typically had to be rich, powerful, and then vow poverty, obedience, and chastity.  Slowly their numbers grew, as did the wealth of the organization. 

The crusades lasted until the early 14th century, as was ultimately unsuccessful. The Templars wealth was a source of avarice from both mother church and the more secular powers of the day. In 1307, King Philip IV (France) and Pope Clement V combined forces to take down the Knights Templar. Grand Master Jacques de Molay, the head of the Templars, was arrested on charges of heresy, sacrilege, and Satanism. Later he confessed under torture, like many of his compatriots. They were burned at the stake. 

Those rushes look a bit flammable.

Those rushes look a bit flammable.

The Knights Templar was dissolved by the Pope Clement in 1312 and all of their assets (not claimed by the kings of France and England, were assigned to the Knights Hospitalers. The Templars were banned in France and England (and anywhere the Catholic Church exerted authority) as a matter of course.  Some likely fled to other territories, such as excommunicated Scotland or to Switzerland. Templar organisations in Portugal changed their name from Knights Templar to Knights of Christ. At its peak, there may have been as many as 20,000 members of the Knights Templar, about 10% of which were actually knights. 

The Catholic Church has admitted that these actions were unjustified and claim Pope Clement was being pressured by secular rulers... Though last I checked, Kings were not secular rulers.

Topic Tuesday #129 2015/01/06 - "The Magna Carta, 800 years later"

Topic Tuesday #129 2015/01/06 - "The Magna Carta, 800 years later"

In the year 1215 a document was drafted to make peace. A monk wrote in the Melrose Chronicle, "A new state of things begun in England; such a strange affair as had never before been heard; for the body wishes to rule the head, and the people desired to be masters over the king ..."  It made many promises. Protection of church rights, against illegal imprisonment, access to swift justice, and limitations to how much was to be paid to the King John in feudal payments. At the time, it was a nice gesture... and was null and void after a couple months as the barons and the king went to war.

That was not the end for the "the great charter". King john died and his son tried to reissue the Magna Carta in 1216. When war was done in 1217, the Magna Carta formed part of the peace treaty. It was issued again in 1225 and in 1297, when it was made part of England's statute law.  It essentially remained as a political promise from the monarch until the Parliament passed more and more laws that made those promises, more or less, law. Read more at Wikipedia,

The basic tenants of the Magna Carta, protection of fundamental liberties, continued through the ages as good ideas often do. The crafters of the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights were obviously aware of the documents tone as well as its content.  Below, I have a highres picture of the document with a translation below it. 

Copy of the original thanks to Archive.ORG

Magna Carta Translation

[Preamble] Edward by the grace of God King of England, lord of Ireland and duke of Aquitaine sends greetings to all to whom the present letters come. We have inspected the great charter of the lord Henry, late King of England, our father, concerning the liberties of England in these words:

Henry by the grace of God King of England, lord of Ireland, duke of Normandy and Aquitaine and count of Anjou sends greetings to his archbishops, bishops, abbots, priors, earls, barons, sheriffs, reeves, ministers and all his bailiffs and faithful men inspecting the present charter. Know that we, at the prompting of God and for the health of our soul and the souls of our ancestors and successors, for the glory of holy Church and the improvement of our realm, freely and out of our good will have given and granted to the archbishops, bishops, abbots, priors, earls, barons and all of our realm these liberties written below to hold in our realm of England in perpetuity.

[1] In the first place we grant to God and confirm by this our present charter for ourselves and our heirs in perpetuity that the English Church is to be free and to have all its rights fully and its liberties entirely. We furthermore grant and give to all the freemen of our realm for ourselves and our heirs in perpetuity the liberties written below to have and to hold to them and their heirs from us and our heirs in perpetuity.

[2] If any of our earls or barons, or anyone else holding from us in chief by military service should die, and should his heir be of full age and owe relief, the heir is to have his inheritance for the ancient relief, namely the heir or heirs of an earl for a whole county £100, the heir or heirs of a baron for a whole barony 100 marks, the heir or heirs of a knight for a whole knight’s fee 100 shillings at most, and he who owes less will give less, according to the ancient custom of (knights’) fees.

[3] If, however, the heir of such a person is under age, his lord is not to have custody of him and his land until he has taken homage from the heir, and after such an heir has been in custody, when he comes of age, namely at twenty-one years old, he is to have his inheritance without relief and without fine, saving that if, whilst under age, he is made a knight, his land will nonetheless remain in the custody of his lords until the aforesaid term.

[4] The keeper of the land of such an heir who is under age is only to take reasonable receipts from the heir’s land and reasonable customs and reasonable services, and this without destruction or waste of men or things. And if we assign custody of any such land to a sheriff or to anyone else who should answer to us for the issues, and such a person should commit destruction or waste, we will take recompense from him and the land will be assigned to two law-worthy and discreet men of that fee who will answer to us or to the person to whom we assign such land for the land’s issues. And if we give or sell to anyone custody of any such land and that person commits destruction or waste, he is to lose custody and the land is to be assigned to two law-worthy and discreet men of that fee who similarly will answer to us as is aforesaid.

[5] The keeper, for as long as he has the custody of the land of such (an heir), is to maintain the houses, parks, fishponds, ponds, mills and other things pertaining to that land from the issues of the same land, and he will restore to the heir, when the heir comes to full age, all his land stocked with ploughs and all other things in at least the same condition as when he received it. All these things are to be observed in the custodies of archbishoprics, bishoprics, abbeys, priories, churches and vacant offices which pertain to us, save that such custodies ought not to be sold.

[6] Heirs are to be married without disparagement.

[7] A widow, after the death of her husband, is immediately and without any difficulty to have her marriage portion and her inheritance, nor is she to pay anything for her dower or her marriage portion or for her inheritance which her husband and she held on the day of her husband’s death, and she shall remain in the chief dwelling place of her husband for forty days after her husband’s death, within which time dower will be assigned her if it has not already been assigned, unless that house is a castle, and if it is a castle which she leaves, then a suitable house will immediately be provided for her in which she may properly dwell until her dower is assigned to her in accordance with what is aforesaid, and in the meantime she is to have her reasonable necessities (estoverium) from the common property. As dower she will be assigned the third part of all the lands of her husband which were his during his lifetime, save when she was dowered with less at the church door. No widow shall be distrained to marry for so long as she wishes to live without a husband, provided that she gives surety that she will not marry without our assent if she holds of us, or without the assent of her lord, if she holds of another.

[8] Neither we nor our bailiffs will seize any land or rent for any debt, as long as the existing chattels of the debtor suffice for the payment of the debt and as long as the debtor is ready to pay the debt, nor will the debtor’s guarantors be distrained for so long as the principal debtor is able to pay the debt; and should the principal debtor default in his payment of the debt, not having the means to repay it, or should he refuse to pay it despite being able to do so, the guarantors will answer for the debt and, if they wish, they are to have the lands and rents of the debtor until they are repaid the debt that previously they paid on behalf of the debtor, unless the principal debtor can show that he is quit in respect to these guarantors.

[9] The city of London is to have all its ancient liberties and customs. Moreover we wish and grant that all other cities and boroughs and vills and the barons of the Cinque Ports and all ports are to have all their liberties and free customs.

[10] No-one is to be distrained to do more service for a knight’s fee or for any other free tenement than is due from it.

[11] Common pleas are not to follow our court but are to be held in a certain fixed place.

[12] Recognisances of novel disseisin and of mort d’ancestor are not to be taken save in their particular counties and in the following way. We or, should we be outside the realm, our chief justiciar, will send our justices once a year to each county, so that, together with the knights of the counties, that may take the aforesaid assizes in the counties; and those assizes which cannot be completed in that visitation of the county by our aforesaid justices assigned to take the said assizes are to be completed elsewhere by the justices in their visitation; and those which cannot be completed by them on account of the difficulty of various articles (of law) are to be referred to our justices of the Bench and completed there.

[13] Assizes of darrein presentment are always to be taken before our justices of the Bench and are to be completed there.

[14] A freeman is not to be amerced for a small offence save in accordance with the manner of the offence, and for a major offence according to its magnitude, saving his sufficiency (salvo contenemento suo), and a merchant likewise, saving his merchandise, and any villain other than one of our own is to be amerced in the same way, saving his necessity (salvo waynagio) should he fall into our mercy, and none of the aforesaid amercements is to be imposed save by the oath of honest and law-worthy men of the neighbourhood. Earls and barons are not to be amerced save by their peers and only in accordance with the manner of their offence.

[15] No town or free man is to be distrained to make bridges or bank works save for those that ought to do so of old and by right.

[16] No bank works of any sort are to be kept up save for those that were in defense in the time of King H(enry II) our grandfather and in the same places and on the same terms as was customary in his time.

[17] No sheriff, constable, coroner or any other of our bailiffs is to hold pleas of our crown.

[18] If anyone holding a lay fee from us should die, and our sheriff or bailiff shows our letters patent containing our summons for a debt that the dead man owed us, our sheriff or bailiff is permitted to attach and enroll all the goods and chattels of the dead man found in lay fee, to the value of the said debt, by view of law-worthy men, so that nothing is to be removed thence until the debt that remains is paid to us, and the remainder is to be released to the executors to discharge the will of the dead man, and if nothing is owed to us from such a person, all the chattels are to pass to the (use of) the dead man, saving to the dead man’s wife and children their reasonable portion.

[19] No constable or his bailiff is to take corn or other chattels from anyone who not themselves of a vill where a castle is built, unless the constable or his bailiff immediately offers money in payment of obtains a respite by the wish of the seller. If the person whose corn or chattels are taken is of such a vill, then the constable or his bailiff is to pay the purchase price within forty days.

[20] No constable is to distrain any knight to give money for castle guard if the knight is willing to do such guard in person or by proxy of any other honest man, should the knight be prevented from doing so by just cause. And if we take or send such a knight into the army, he is to be quit of (castle) guard in accordance with the length of time the we have him in the army for the fee for which he has done service in the army.

[21] No sheriff or bailiff of ours or of anyone else is to take anyone’s horses or carts to make carriage, unless he renders the payment customarily due, namely for a two-horse cart ten pence per day, and for a three-horse cart fourteen pence per day. No demesne cart belonging to any churchman or knight or any other lady (sic) is to be taken by our bailiffs, nor will we or our bailiffs or anyone else take someone else’s timber for a castle or any other of our business save by the will of he to whom the timber belongs.

[22] We shall not hold the lands of those convicted of felony save for a year and a day, whereafter such land is to be restored to the lords of the fees.

[23] All fish weirs (kidelli) on the Thames and the Medway and throughout England are to be entirely dismantled, save on the sea coast.

[24] The writ called ‘praecipe’ is not to be issued to anyone in respect to any free tenement in such a way that a free man might lose his court.

[25] There is to be a single measure for wine throughout our realm, and a single measure for ale, and a single measure for Corn, that is to say the London quarter, and a single breadth for dyed cloth, russets, and haberjects, that is to say two yards within the lists. And it shall be the same for weights as for measures.

[26] Henceforth there is to be nothing given for a writ of inquest from the person seeking an inquest of life or member, but such a writ is to be given freely and is not to be denied.

[27] If any persons hold from us at fee farm or in socage or burgage, and hold land from another by knight service, we are not, by virtue of such a fee farm or socage or burgage, to have custody of the heir or their land which pertains to another’s fee, nor are we to have custody of such a fee farm or socage or burgage unless this fee farm owes knight service. We are not to have the custody of an heir or of any land which is held from another by knight service on the pretext of some small serjeanty held from us by service of rendering us knives or arrows or suchlike things.

[28] No bailiff is henceforth to put any man on his open law or on oath simply by virtue of his spoken word, without reliable witnesses being produced for the same.

[29] No freeman is to be taken or imprisoned or disseised of his free tenement or of his liberties or free customs, or outlawed or exiled or in any way ruined, nor will we go against such a man or send against him save by lawful judgement of his peers or by the law of the land. To no-one will we sell or deny of delay right or justice.

[30] All merchants, unless they have been previously and publicly forbidden, are to have safe and secure conduct in leaving and coming to England and in staying and going through England both by land and by water to buy and to sell, without any evil exactions, according to the ancient and right customs, save in time of war, and if they should be from a land at war against us and be found in our land at the beginning of the war, they are to be attached without damage to their bodies or goods until it is established by us or our chief justiciar in what way the merchants of our land are treated who at such a time are found in the land that is at war with us, and if our merchants are safe there, the other merchants are to be safe in our land.

[31] If anyone dies holding of any escheat such as the honour of Wallingford, Boulogne, Nottingham, Lancaster or of other escheats which are in our hands and which are baronies, his heir is not to give any other relief or render any other service to us that would not have been rendered to the baron if the barony were still held by a baron, and we shall hold such things in the same way as the baron held them, nor, on account of such a barony or escheat, are we to have the escheat or custody of any of our men unless the man who held the barony or the escheat held elsewhere from us in chief.

[32] No free man is henceforth to give or sell any more of his land to anyone, unless the residue of his land is sufficient to render due service to the lord of the fee as pertains to that fee.

[33] All patrons of abbeys which have charters of the kings of England over advowson or ancient tenure or possession are to have the custody of such abbeys when they fall vacant just as they ought to have and as is declared above.

[34] No-one is to be taken or imprisoned on the appeal of woman for the death of anyone save for the death of that woman’s husband.

[35] No county court is to be held save from month to month, and where the greater term used to be held, so will it be in future, nor will any sheriff or his bailiff make his tourn through the hundred save for twice a year and only in the place that is due and customary, namely once after Easter and again after Michaelmas, and the view of frankpledge is to be taken at the Michaelmas term without exception, in such a way that every man is to have his liberties which he had or used to have in the time of King H(enry II) my grandfather or which he has acquired since. The view of frankpledge is to be taken so that our peace be held and so that the tithing is to be held entire as it used to be, and so that the sheriff does not seek exceptions but remains content with that which the sheriff used to have in taking the view in the time of King H(enry) our grandfather.

[36] Nor is it permitted to anyone to give his land to a religious house in such a way that he receives it back from such a house to hold, nor is it permitted to any religious house to accept the land of anyone in such way that the land is restored to the person from whom it was received to hold. If anyone henceforth gives his land in such a way to any religious house and is convicted of the same, the gift is to be entirely quashed and such land is to revert to the lord of that fee.

[37] Scutage furthermore is to be taken as it used to be in the time of King H(enry) our grandfather, and all liberties and free customs shall be preserved to archbishops, bishops, abbots, priors, Templars, Hospitallers, earls, barons and all others, both ecclesiastical and secular persons, just as they formerly had.

All these aforesaid customs and liberties which we have granted to be held in our realm in so far as pertains to us are to be observed by all of our realm, both clergy and laity, in so far as pertains to them in respect to their own men. For this gift and grant of these liberties and of others contained in our charter over the liberties of the forest, the archbishops, bishops, abbots, priors, earls, barons, knights, fee holders and all of our realm have given us a fifteenth part of all their movable goods. Moreover we grant to them for us and our heirs that neither we nor our heirs will seek anything by which the liberties contained in this charter might be infringed or damaged, and should anything be obtained from anyone against this it is to count for nothing and to be held as nothing. With these witnesses: the lord S(tephen) archbishop of Canterbury, E(ustace) bishop of London, J(ocelin) bishop of Bath, P(eter) bishop of Winchester, H(ugh) bishop of Lincoln, R(ichard) bishop of Salisbury, W. bishop of Rochester, W(illiam) bishop of Worcester, J(ohn) bishop of Ely, H(ugh) bishop of Hereford, R(anulf) bishop of Chichester, W(illiam) bishop of Exeter, the abbot of (Bury) St Edmunds, the abbot of St Albans, the abbot of Battle, the abbot of St Augustine’s Canterbury, the abbot of Evesham, the abbot of Westminster, the abbot of Peterborough, the abbot of Reading, the abbot of Abingdon, the abbot of Malmesbury, the abbot of Winchcombe, the abbot of Hyde (Winchester), the abbot of Chertsey, the abbot of Sherborne, the abbot of Cerne, the abbot of Abbotsbury, the abbot of Milton (Abbas), the abbot of Selby, the abbot of Cirencester, H(ubert) de Burgh the justiciar, H. earl of Chester and Lincoln, W(illiam) earl of Salisbury, W(illiam) earl Warenne, G. de Clare earl of Gloucester and Hertford, W(illiam) de Ferrers earl of Derby, W(illiam) de Mandeville earl of Essex, H(ugh) Bigod earl of Norfolk, W(illiam) earl Aumale, H(umphrey) earl of Hereford, J(ohn) constable of Chester, R(obert) de Ros, R(obert) fitz Walter, R(obert) de Vieuxpont, W(illiam) Brewer, R(ichard) de Montfiquet, P(eter) fitz Herbert, W(illiam) de Aubigné, G. Gresley, F. de Braose, J(ohn) of Monmouth, J(ohn) fitz Alan, H(ugh) de Mortemer, W(illiam) de Beauchamp, W(illiam) de St John, P(eter) de Maulay, Brian de Lisle, Th(omas) of Moulton, R(ichard) de Argentan, G(eoffrey) de Neville, W(illiam) Mauduit, J(ohn) de Baalon and others. Given at Westminster on the eleventh day of February in the ninth year of our reign.

We, holding these aforesaid gifts and grants to be right and welcome, conceed and confirm them for ourselves and our heirs and by the terms of the present (letters) renew them, wishing and granting for ourselves and our heirs that the aforesaid charter is to be firmly and inviably observed in all and each of its articles in perpetuity, including any articles contained in the same charter which by chance have not to date been observed. In testimony of which we have had made these our letters patent. Witnessed by Edward our son, at Westminster on the twelfth day of October in the twenty-fifth year of our reign. (Chancery warranty by John of) Stowe.

Translation by Professor Nicholas Vincent, Copyright Sotheby's Inc. 2007

Topic Tuesday #128 2014/12/30 - "Allow populace to come to a boil, then simmer"

Topic Tuesday #128 2014/12/30 - "The Enemy is Fear"

I am little more than an armchair quarterback, and at most I play at being a pundit. I sit here and pluck headlines and talk about them. Some of them are more obscure or more interesting than others, on purely personal notes of interest. This Tuesday, I want to offer something on the state of violence that has permeated our media, and thereby our minds.  

Once upon a time I was interested in serving the people. I wanted to make a difference and I was thinking that the way to go about that was to go into law enforcement. Yes, I do have a great respect for the law and follow the process with great interest, even if you may find my other commentary to the contrary. I did just a little cursory examination of life in law enforcement and I changed my mind. I discovered that I have a greater respect for life (particularly my own) than for the law. Call it a fear of lead... I had/have no desire to be shot at. I also did not join the armed services, much for the same reasons. I have become a conscientious objector over the years. I prefer diplomatic solutions to blunt force trauma. 

Sometimes force is what is needed. For that, there are men and women that are more daring than I. I have great respect for those that would put themselves on the line for justice. 

This year, more than others in memory, has been divisive to the armed and the unarmed. We have Open Carry of long arms and small, we have school shootings, riots, and crazy men taking it into their own hands to perform vigilante justice on the streets verses the ones that have stepped up to keep the peace. 

There have been many deaths at the hands of law enforcement over the years. This we know intrinsically. For some this sense of foreboding is ever present. Racial tensions and stereotyping are still very strong in 2014 and they will not be less in 2015. There are facts that are being manipulated by the powerful and the weak to make people dance to the right tune. 

This is nothing new. The results, on the otherhand, are. 

I implore everyone of my readers to be aware of what is going on, but to not act rashly. We are slow animals that are trying to react to too much too quickly. We are being run like a herd of cattle, by fear of predators. The trouble is, we don't know who the real threats are. 

Threat detection is a key to a species survival. Typically, animalistic tendencies take the greatest of our subconscious attentions to protect us. That weird feeling of unease you get right before being snuck up on, or attacked from the side. The number one problem that our species has today is, in my opinion, threat overload. Again, our brains are only able to hold so many things in them at any given time. We don't really multitask very well, though we can keep things rolling nicely. We have too many data points to keep track of. How many new credit cards did you get this year because of hacks? Half a dozen of these and that's just the tip of the iceberg. There is so much trying to control our threat detection... We are afraid of our own shadows. 

Everyone is. The ones that put themselves on the firing lines of the world, are just the same - but they expect to be shot at too. No one really wants to be harmed. Self preservation kicks into high gear and we react. Some... shoot first. 

I am saddened by the tragedy that has been raking the nation, but I fear it is not as tragic as it could be. We have unprecedented access to information. Sometimes it is too much. Sometimes, it poses more questions that requires even more information.

With the troubles we have with the police, they are scared of the population they serve. They are taking measures that seem quite justified to those that feel threatened. Get bigger guns, get armor, build up defenses. It is no wonder they look like the military.  

The other side of the coin is the populace is more armed. Technology is not limited to the policing forces after all. The NRA has been pushing for a more armed populace. The GOP has been doing the same. Any attempts to make it harder to have a weapon in the hands of the civilian have been met with angry vigor and a lot of money. Now you have two sides that are built to go to war with each other. Everyone is afraid. Fear makes people do stupid things. Carelessness often follows these scenarios. People go too far. Rules are broken. People are killed. Parents shot by toddlers. Men choked by police. Babies killed by stun grenades thrown into the wrong house.

Some sense of sanity needs to be restored. We need to remember that we are little more than fearful children that just want a safe place to live. We need to remember our own humanity. 

My wish for 2015; Freedom - from fear. 
Happy New Year.

Topic Tuesday #127 2014/12/23 - "Achoo choo for Christmas"

Topic Tuesday #127 2014/12/23 - "Achoo choo for Christmas"

So there I was (so many great stories start this way, this is not one of them) renovating my bathroom. I had taken the precautions that had served well on previous days. I was cutting cement wall board for the tile backer in the shower. The diamond blade kicks a lot of fine chemical laden patter into the air and breathing it will knock you down pretty quick. Things went well and the boards were going in, the mortar mix was setting. It was time to take care of family matters, as I started sneezing and noticed my nose running. 

Here in Florida, we have absurd weather. Humid all the time, sunny much of the time, hot most of the time. During winter we tend to have an 88 degree day followed by a 52 degree day. Then, many times, it will spike back to the 80's or 90's. This rapid shifting of the temperatures tends to make me sick. It was chilly Monday morning. Tuesday, the air is back on in the house trying to cope. So I have the sniffles, the days leading up to Christmas. 

My saving grace this year is the vacation time I took to renovate the bathroom and work on the house. I'm scheduled out, so falling asleep after dropping the kids off to daycare was wonderful. Right now, I'm about 10 minutes from going back to sleep for the rest of the night. 

I am on the mend, and will be signing off key holiday favorites by the electric firelight in no time! I hope all of you are having a happy and healthy holiday season.

Topic Tuesday #126 2014/12/16 - “Mind the Communication Gap”

Topic Tuesday #126 2014/12/16 - “Mind the Communication Gap”

As you know by now, I am not afraid of hitting uncomfortable topics. This occasionally gets me into awkward situations.

When communicating with other people, there is an ever present issue: the curse of foreknowledge.  You take for granted all the things you know. It seldom occurs to you that the acronym you just used is absolute gibberish to the uninitiated. The work that you did to reach a conclusion that you are now overly comfortable with has slipped your mind, and you naturally presume that everyone else has done the work and come to the same conclusions you have.

This is baloney, of course! But we all do it. It’s part of our psychology. It is an art to navigate the knowledge gaps and sound both intelligent and non-condescending if you do stumble upon a knowledge peer. And the real trick is to do it at the same time, when talking to everyone.

It is easy to fail, especially when dealing with sensitive issues. Even coming to a common ground in conversation to build upon is often wrought with perils. Emotions run hot. Words take on multiple meanings. Imagine unpacking a dead relatives garage with a friend that doesn’t understand that every scrap of garbage is somehow meaningful and is tearing you apart, and it gets worse the further in you dive. A journey fraught with landmines, pitfalls, and mantraps. It takes determination to communicate with someone of a differing point of view.

It is hard, painful, and exhausting.

Sometimes, it isn’t worth it. However… You never know when it will be worth it. So I will continue to spend the energy on unknown hope for communication that transcends the gaps.

Topic Tuesday #125 2014/12/09 - "Cleaning House"

Topic Tuesday #125 2014/12/09 - "Cleaning House"

There are some days no one wants to fold laundry, much less get it from seemingly all corners of the house and under the beds... and that chair in the living room... and the car... really how do they do it? Anyway... No one wants to always do these things and I would be willing to bet we have all let the piles mound up. I'm not saying I've done this, but sometimes it's less effort to just buy a change of clothes. That said, once in a while, when you feel that funk start to seep into the core of your being, you just have to bite the bullet and clean up, in earnest. 

Today was an odd day at home waiting for the phone to ring and other shoes to proverbially drop. I decided a nap was a poor use of time, though desired all the same. With no interruptions... I could get some serious work done! I cleaned. I moved furniture. I dusted. I am still doing laundry. I folded and put away more things than I knew I had. The bed is made, the lamp shades and pictures straightened. All in all, the place looks like Someone else lives there. I like it. It gives me a sense of accomplishment. I have the pride of a job well done. I know where everything is, and hopefully it is in a better place than when I started. My feng has been shui-ed.  Certainly some piles were moved and not sorted, but at least they are closer to, or in the place they belong.

As all parents know, life is a work in progress, and houses are meant to be lived in. I will always be fighting the entropy of chaos within my walls, but today was a good day.

Topic Tuesday #124 2014/12/02 - "Headline News"

Topic Tuesday #124 2014/12/02 - "Headline News"

I read the news today, oh boy...

No wars won, just some continuing perpetually.

Madonna's breasts are holding up so nicely at 65 that she did a photo shoot to show them off and make some probably needed social commentary on aging, body image, and sexual repression among other things on her mind...

Female Genital Mutilation numbers are going down, but the practice continues... If you don't know what FGM is, look it up, but have some booze handy to take the edge off the outrage.

Ukraine has a new government voted in, but that may not mean ceasefire.

Bluefin tuna is threatened and there are new sanctions to save the species. 

Relations between China and India are leading to a military build up and India modernizing it's fleet. I was unaware that China and India had submarines. India has 13 of them in fact. I am more surprised I hadn't thought about it before, but there ya go.

Microsoft has decided to no longer provide clip art, so hone your google image search skills.

The Girl Scouts of America will allow troops to use the web and phone apps to sell the famous cookies, and even to have them delivered directly yo you.  Oh yes!

Google's Chromecast streaming stick is getting better and better, so you might consider it as a stocking stuffer at $35 or less.

Things are tough everywhere but hopefully you didn't get set ablaze in Ferguson MO, or have to push your own plane on a runway in Russia, it was -51 C (-61F).